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Last Activity: Today, 05:07
Joined: 2013-09-14
Location: Toronto CYYZ
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Travelling with Pi, so new location often..How does it work? (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2017-03-13, 17:13
Trial Run Results for Four Sizes of Ground Planes (Topic in the Technical matters (hardware) forum)
2016-09-17, 13:25
Trial Run Results for Three Types of Whip Antennas (Topic in the Technical matters (hardware) forum)
2020-04-20, 07:26
Trying to install, but error (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2017-07-11, 07:28
Tweak - Add Site Circles to Map (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2017-12-17, 06:19
Tweaking of Groundplane (Spider) Antenna (Topic in the Technical matters (hardware) forum)
2016-03-14, 21:03
Two feeds in the same Raspberry (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2023-02-04, 21:34
Two instances of FR24feed on the same linux box? (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2019-04-19, 21:55
Unable to install FR24Feeder on RPI 3 running Debian Stretch 2017-11-29 (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2018-01-21, 12:33
Unable to re-start FR24 feed - others okay (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2018-01-05, 01:17
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