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FR24feed uploader - Additional Info

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    FR24feed uploader - Additional Info

    Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here

    This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information.
    It is contributor-made
    Information has been repeated many times in existing threads but skipped by most readers

    For Flightradar24 supplied HARDWARE please contact support as per supplied information pack/emails

    FR24feed Errors
    Linux/Pi feeder Specific Information
    Beast/Transponder Mouse
    ADSBScope / VRS / RTl1090
    SBS Example
    Web Config Examples

    How does it work?
    We need to receive, process/decode. And finally send data to server

    Feed Software is not a single application but a package needing 3 parts:
    Direct hardware access libraries
    ADSB Decode software - Dump1090-Mutability 1.14 (installed if 'DVBT' type chosen)
    FR24 log, filter, bundle and uploader

    On startup the software will:
    - Scan fr24feed.ini configuration file for your setup (answered during install)
    - Evaluate if receiver type is non-DVBT (dump1090 not used) or DVBT (Dump1090 needed)
    - Start appropriate connection to receiver
    - Pass data to be uploaded
    - Output any connection or various errors during startup

    Collecting received data:
    FR24feed will connect to in 2 ways depending on 'receiver type' setup:

    1. Software Decoder Connection
    - Feeder will 'liven' USB or Com port specified
    - Dump1090 will be launched and connect to DVBT for feeder to collect (1 step - when 'DVBT' chosen)
    - optional - FR24feeder connect to existing decoder output (like Dump1090-fa)

    2. Hardware Receiver
    - FR24feeder will ignore Dump1090 and connect direct to hardware (if readable device like Beast)

    Data is gathered, bundled and sent around every 5 seconds.
    Your status may falsely show 'online' if FR24 server connector is running, but have issues with no data
    Status may show 'offline' if no data is collected or sent to server (bad reception or no traffic, Dump1090 errors).

    There are many reasons incorrect configuration and 3rd party software can cause issues if not configured correctly, So please read further!

    Pi24 Image
    Pi24 is designed for first time feeders or those not familiar with linux SSH/Console. It automates the process of setting up the feed software and allocating a radar ID using the activate receiver page.
    Image is limited and has a run-on-demand version of Dump1090 designed for first/single feed setup - will allocate extra bogus radar ID during repeated setup.
    Use web config or 'fr24feed --reconfigure' setup after first use!
    This is NOT recommended for feeding multiple sites.

    Web Page Configuration - (Fixing startup errors):
    This is the easiest way to check/re-configure the software when FR24feed core successfully running
    (to fix incorrect option errors entered/found on first run)

    --> http://feederIP:8754 <--
    (replace feederIP with the IP address of device running software)

    !You can also edit the config manually - but variable options are specific!

    USB DVBT Feeding:
    Dump1090/FR require a Realtek/RTL 28xx chipset, and E4000 or R820 tuner

    If you see FitPower/FC - will not work


    Users wishing to only feed FR24 should setup FR24feed without Preinstalling Dump1090 or similar
    Adding options such as --interactive will block feeding.

    Do NOT enable raw/basestation/SBS output unless you are familiar with data-flow or output settings on other software is disabled

    *Running additional software with FR24feed can be complicated. Not all instances or configuration examples can be given
    Ensure you search the following threads for further info from other helpful users:

    Multi Site Feeding-
    FR24feed &amp; PiAware or currently running Feed/Dump1090:
    If you have previously installed ADSB feeders (or Dump1090) - don't select 'dvbt' type.
    In this case configure your feeder as BEAST-TCP NOT DVBT or you will face errors

    - only Configure FR24feed to DVBT if first feed site or Dump1090 gets reinstalled
    use BEAST-TCP for already running Feeds
    - if not obvious on startup add --net to additional commands to enable output ports
    - Adjust other software data source settings to read beast data from port 30005
    - Save and restart feeder

    *FR24feed Setup Wizard may auto-detect and assist selecting right option

    Configure Additional Software:

    Software such as VRS(virtual radar server) and ADSBScope can then be configured to NETWORK data source on those ports
    - You must start with other Server functions of these applications disabled to prevent conflict errors!

    Other Hardware (not DVBT) Data Relay:
    The options found for RAW/Decoded and SBS data out are valid for other receivers.
    For instance RAW out enabled for a BEAST receiver will open port 30334. (While RAW using DVBT will open conflicting 2nd 30002)
    MPX/SBS out option when used with Kinetic hardware will repeat data on port 20072

    Connecting to Raspberry Pi Console

    MLAT contacts are server-side triangulated - Source data from Radarcape based receivers + GPS time (Primary) + RPi/DVBT/Dump1090 using NTP time tag secondary
    RPi MLAT will NOT be enhanced with a USB GPS module
    - due to interface/port transmission speeds adding jitter delays NTP is used for syncronised reference data

    MLAT requires 4+ in-range receivers:
    - min. 1x FR24 receiver required in combination
    - Various combinations of Rpi + FR24 receivers (1FR + 3 Pi, 2FR + 2Pi etc)
    Per link
    Volunteer (Pi) MLAT will only be used if the following conditions are met:
    1) There aren't enough FR24 receivers seeing the target => high precision MLAT solution can't be calculated.
    2) There are at least 4 receivers, in total, seeing the same aircraft.
    3) There is at least one FR24 receiver seeing the aircraft and/or seeing other shared ADS-B aircraft so that timestamp offset + drift can be calculated.
    4) If receiver is 'DVBT' and --MLAT in start command

    - Overlapping FR24 Receiver GPS-time MLAT prioritised
    - NTP used for common reference on RPis alongside FR24 data
    - All receivers need to contact the same Mode-S Only aircraft (and 2+ ADSB reference aircraft).

    FR24FEED Startup Output

    [main][i]Version: 1.0.25-3/generic [COLOR=#3498db]< Version numbering[/COLOR]
    [main][i]Built on Apr  8 2020 07:06:55 (HEAD-5e8ef0c.git/Linux/static_armel)
    [main][i]Automatic updates are ENABLED
    ERROR: rmmod: ERROR: Module dvb_usb_rtl28xxu is in use [COLOR=#3498db]< normal (blocked from normal TV use)[/COLOR]
    info | [httpd]Server started, listening on [COLOR=#2980b9]< webserver started[/COLOR]
    [master][i]Starting processing thread [COLOR=#2980b9]< Starting data packaging[/COLOR]
    [reader][i]Initializing reader [COLOR=#2980b9]< reading receiver type[/COLOR]
    [reader][i]Connecting to DVBT receiver via (exe:///usr/bin/dump1090-mutability  --raw --mlat --net --net-http-port 8080) [COLOR=#2980b9]< Launch Dump1090, connect to DVBT[/COLOR]
    [main][i]Reader thread started [COLOR=#2980b9]< Start data connector[/COLOR]
    Fri May  8 22:32:55 2020 NZST  dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev starting up.
    Found 1 device(s):
    0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 (currently selected)
    Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
    Max available gain is: 49.60 dB
    Setting gain to: 49.60 dB
    Gain reported by device: 49.60 dB
    [time][i]Synchronizing time via NTP
    [time][i]Time synchronized correctly, offset +0.001 seconds
    [main][i]Feed Network client started
    [feed][i]Downloading configuration
    [feed][d]fetching configuration
    [feed][i]configuring decoder
    [feed][c]Max range AIR: 350.0nm
    [feed][c]Max range GND: 100.0nm
    [feed][n]connected via TCP (fd 28)
    [feed][i]Feed connected
    Breaking this down:
    Feed disabling module from stopping DVBT - normal
    DVBT stick detected
    Launching Dump1090 on-demand
    --raw = RAW time tagging is enabled - this means MLAT option checked
    --mlat = Display raw messages in Beast ascii mode
    --net = Advanced network out options of Dump1090 enabled (ports 30002,30003, (30005))
    --net-http-port 8080 = Set web output enabled for local radar map on http://localhost:8080

    Common Ports:
    Here you can see some examples of software that open the same live ports if options are enabled - causing errors/conflicts

    RAW: 30002 (DVBT) / 30334(other hardware)
    BS: 30003
    SBS: 20072
    AVR Raw out: 30002
    Beast out: 30005
    Dump1090 BS out: 30003
    AVR In: 30001
    Raw out: 31001
    BS out: 31004
    Kinetic Basestation:
    RAW out: 30006
    BS out: 30003
    SDR: 30005
    AIS: 30007
    SBS3 'standalone' mode: 10001, 30006
    Last edited by Oblivian; 2021-04-29, 23:56.
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers

    Asking for help
    If information here is not clear there are some basic things to try BEFORE making a new thread and asking for help.

    If you think you have installed FR24feed and it is running
    - Attempt to load the webpage as described on post 1 to confirm

    Run Commands in Linux using Putty or similar SSH client

    Diagnostic Commands

    - Run command to check status
    sudo fr24feed-status
    .deb install may not have graphical status

    If not running, diagnose WHY
    - Did the installs script fail?
    - Did you complete the install script questionnaire correctly?
    - Did you wrongly chose DVBT stick when PiAware or other software was already working?
    - Check the basic commands
    sudo systemctl stop fr24feed
    old: sudo service fr24feed stop
    sudo systemctl start fr24feed
    old: sudo service fr24feed start

    Still not starting or MLAT etc not working? Visually check logging..
    - Stop FR24feed
    sudo systemctl stop fr24feed
    sudo service fr24feed stop

    - Start fr24feed with full output
    sudo fr24feed ( !! no 'Service' !! )

    Enable log file. Start for a while, stop, and review log
    cat /var/log/fr24feed/fr24feed.log

    If after this you still need help Please help us to help you!
    List your setup:
    Receiver type
    OS / Platform
    fr24feed version - apt-cache policy fr24feed
    Include copied text from Status of fr24feed window with the errors (remove @ !!)
    Config settings (Screenshot or list of config page settings)
    Any visible errors (screenshot or paste/describe)
    Additional software you may have running for other sites or feeds (or in the past)
    What checks have been performed to try and fix already

    Common Errors:

    gpg: failed to start the dirmngr '/usr/bin/dirmngr': No such file or directory
    Stretch lacks a package needed for scripted install - DIRMNGR
    sudo apt-get install dirmngr

    pi@piaware:~ $ fr24feed-status
    [ ok ] FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process: running.
    [ ok ] FR24 Stats Timestamp: 2018-02-01 09:40:09.
    [ ok ] FR24 Link: connected [UDP].
    [ ok ] FR24 Radar: <radar>
    [ ok ] FR24 Tracked AC:0
    [FAIL] Receiver: down ... failed!
    [FAIL] FR24 MLAT: not running ... failed!
    - Dump1090 not actually running / unstable
    (Possible SDR device blacklist issue, Stick in Use by Dump1090 already or not present, wrong setting)
    - Feeder cannot upload to server
    - Not enough aircraft in range to activate

    [FAIL] FR24 Link: failure ... failed!
    Cannot connect to FR24 server to upload
    - Ensure you can reach the FR24 servers:

    - No Response can mean server down
    - No Response can mean network issue with ISP or router

    2016-01-26 22:20:05 | [reader][i]Connecting to Generic receiver via (exe://*dump1090*  --raw)
    2016-01-26 22:20:05 | [reader][i]Connected to the receiver, authenticating
    2016-01-26 22:20:05 | [reader][i]Authenticated, processing messages
    [B]2016-01-26 22:20:07 | [reader][i]Connection terminated[/B]
    2016-01-26 22:20:12 | [reader][i]Connecting to Generic receiver via (exe://*dump1090*  --raw)
    2016-01-26 22:20:12 | [reader][i]Connected to the receiver, authenticating
    2016-01-26 22:20:12 | [reader][i]Authenticated, processing messages
    [B]2016-01-26 22:20:14 | [reader][i]Connection terminated[/B]
    Incorrect configuration set - Dump1090/Hardware not starting. Check for:
    - USB stick has required Realtek RTL28xx chipset or Rafael Tuner (not Fitpower)
    - Conflicting software locking USB device to 'in-use'
    - Error with additional commands causing Dump1090 to terminate
    - Dump1090 (or similar) already currently running
    - Lack of power to init stick properly (powered HUB or better PSU needed)

    2016-01-26 22:20:05 | [bs][i]Starting server on
    2016-01-26 22:20:05 |[B] [bs][e]Could not bind socket to *:30003, errno=0[/B]
    The option for Decoded data/30003 out has been enabled. There is already software with that option running, locking port
    - Close other applications
    - Disable "Basestation Out" function on VRS/ADSBScope etc
    - Reconfigure other software output port number

    2016-01-27 00:35:36 | [feed][n]ping 1
    2016-01-27 00:36:06 | [feed][n]ping 2
    2016-01-27 00:36:36 | [feed][n]ping 3
    2016-01-27 00:37:06 | [feed][n]ping 4
    2016-01-27 00:37:36 | [feed][n]ping 5
    2016-01-27 00:38:06 | [feed][n]ping 6
    2016-01-27 00:38:36 | [feed][n]ping 7
    No data is being received by hardware to upload
    - Check connections/Antenna
    - Incorrect data format received from receiver or software for chosen receiver type
    - Wrong port/type specified from software supplying data

    [reader][w]Global timeout exceeded, 1 msgs, 0 resyncs, reconnecting
    [reader][i]Connection terminated
    As above - FR24 Server has not received any data so reset your connection

    Found 1 device(s):
    0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 (currently selected)
    Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of librtlsdr.
    In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel module
    (dvb_usb_rtl28xxu), or enable automatic detaching at compile time.
    usb_claim_interface error -6
    Error opening the RTLSDR device: Device or resource busy
    USB device already locked/in use or blacklisted
    - Follow RPi RTL blacklist How-to guide here
    - Close other instances of Dump1090 (clean reboot)
    - Configure other software for Network data (remove exclusive USB need)

    Other Messages:

    2016-01-26 22:20:24 | [raw][i]Starting server on
    FR24feed set to RAW out enabled - attempting to open data port 30002

    Local Web view
    AJAX call failed (error: Not Found). Maybe dump1090 is no longer running?
    Raspbian requires further RTL blacklisting
    sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules ""
    Version difference - Web port may have changed or need to be specified

    "My account status shows online, but no planes or data uploaded"

    This can occur if FR24feed uploader starts, but the connection to USB or data source is not possible and retrying while you cannot see it
    Causes as above but not seen
    - '--interactive' option sent to Dump1090 (will output to screen not capture data)
    - Dump1090 not installed by script
    - Blacklisted USB drivers
    - Locked USB port/device or TCP port
    - Wrong data format
    - software not outputting data on specified data port (or in correct format)
    - Bad signal or data being ignored by server
    - Populated COM/DEV/PATH over-ride auto-detect

    As with most issues - Use above fault finding to stop, and manually start to observe FR24feed startup messages or errors

    Diagnosing port issues using telnet
    If you are experiencing port connection errors one method to ensure data is working is using the telnet utility

    telnet <host> <port>

    Where <host> can be:

    and port (divided by a space, no other character like : )
    - as listed in port table for common ports
    telnet 22
    telnet 8080

    A WORKING open port, will result in a black screen with cursor flashing. A blocked port will result in a failure to connect
    Last edited by Oblivian; 2021-04-29, 23:57.
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


      Web Configuration Explained:

      DVBT Stick (default)

      DVB TV Dongle connected directly by USB to host device
      - Launches Dump1090 to contact hardware directly
      - Works only if other DVB/1090 programs not already running and using data from stick
      - host/ip settings ignored

      ModeS Beast (USB/Serial)
      ModeS Beast/Transponder mouse cabled with USB or serial
      - Com port must be specified in Host/IP field
      - Baudrate must be set

      ModeS Beast (TCP)
      ModeS Beast format from decoder software using ethernet
      Beast format output from decoding software
      - Host/IP must be specified in Host/IP field

      SBS1/1e (USB)
      SBS1 cabled directly to host
      - configure Com/Dev setting

      SBS1/1e (TCP)
      - Configure Host/IP

      SBS3 (USB)
      SBS3 (TCP)

      *During signup new option "SBSx via Basestation (localhost:30006)"
      - Exact details of function TBA however may allow reading when data relay enabled in basestation suite

      microADSB (USB)
      - Configure Com/Dev path

      AVR (USB/Serial)
      Other AVR capable receivers connected via cable
      - Specify com port details

      AVR (TCP) - v23 appears to fail
      AVR data from pre-configured Rpi running Dump1090
      Data from existing Dump1090/RTL1090 or other such software with AVR server enabled
      - Specify Host/IP details

      Example AVR data format:
      Process arguments
      For devices that use Dump1090 (DVBT/AVR USB) that FR24feed launches - Process arguments field can be used
      Eg: -- NET, --NET-HTTP-PORT, --NET-BEAST

      RAW data Yes/No *note
      Open server port 30334
      - For Beast and other hardware
      Open server port 30002
      - For DVBT*

      SBS Feed Yes/No
      When Kinetic receiver specified data for basestation output on 20072
      - Configure Basestation software for Ethernet receiver. Specify IP of device FR24feed running and port 20072
      - Voice/ATC functions cannot be used in conjunction with this method

      Decoded Data Yes/No: *note
      Open server port 30003
      - Basestation format text for other capture software
      This is for diagnostic purpose
      - May not auto delete and can fill Rpi cards
      To view from default location on RPi:
      cat /var/log/fr24feed/fr24feed.log

      Enable MLAT data out to FR24
      - DVBT device by USB or Dump1090 AVR only
      - Enables (or requires) --MLAT tag in Dump1090

      Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-07-01, 07:33.
      Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


        Pi SSH specific Information:

        Putty Connection from Windows


        Install FR24feed via script: *Not valid on Pi24 Image
        sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -" -

        19-5+ Installer package includes:
        librtlsdr0 libusb-1.0-0 dirmngr lighttpd wget
        If not detected or 'DVBT' option chosen - Dump1090-mutability V1.15

        Auto configures Dump1090 startup to FALSE - run on Demand when fr24feed started only
        (!! Specific for DVBT stick and direct USB - will cause usb_claim_interface error -6 if dump1090 already started !!)

        Auto change made included = /auto-start boolean false | debconf-set-selections -v

        Dump1090 Dev Install *Not valid on Pi24 Image
        (advanced users recommended only)
        See thread for manual install of Dev version of Dump1090

        Common Linux Commands:
        Linux need not be scary for first time users. Although there is no graphical interface without starting one, the same commands are needed for FR24feed on GUI versions.

        Fixing broken components/upload/offline issues:

        Check fr24feed status
        sudo fr24feed-status
        (non-pi versions over 1.23: sudo fr24feed --status)

        Restart fr24feed
        sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
        (sudo service fr24feed restart)

        Stop fr24feed
        sudo systemctl stop fr24feed
        (sudo service fr24feed stop)

        Disable fr24feed auto start
        sudo systemctl disable fr24feed

        Check connectivity to Fr24 server distribution (IPv6 errors)

        Dump0190-Mutability checks:
        sudo service dump1090-mutability status (sudo systemctl status dump1090-mutability)
        sudo service dump1090-mutability restart (sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability)
        sudo service dump1090-mutability stop (sudo systemctl stop dump1090-mutability)
        sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability

        Start feed software with full screen output to diagnose possible errors (cannot run without first stopping service)
        sudo fr24feed
        (ctrl-C to terminate)

        Check for crashed/running instances causing port or start issues:
        - Following command will report a PID for each process (thats a small L)
        pgrep -l fr24feed - list running FR24 processes
        pgrep -l dump1090 - list dump1090 instances

        sudo kill -9 <pid> - replace <pid> with corresponding number from above to kill process

        re-Run Signup, re-enter key or reconfigure if web not accessible
        sudo fr24feed --signup
        (Enter the identical details as first signup)

        Edit config file manually
        sudo nano /etc/fr24feed.ini

        Kicking it off again:
        Start feed software as service in background (starts on reboot)
        sudo systemctl start fr24feed
        (sudo service fr24feed start)

        Uninstall or remove FR24feed (to remove radar ID email support)
        sudo apt-get remove fr24feed

        -Optionally, to also remove any associated dependencies (may break other software)
        sudo apt-get remove --purge fr24feed

        GPG and other errors - Update fr24feed
        sudo apt-get update - refresh available app update list
        sudo apt-get install fr24feed - manually check for update
        - Will search for a new version and advise if 0 bytes were to be installed (no change) or if a new update was to be.
        - Manually apply keys
        gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 40C430F5
        gpg --armor --export 40C430F5 | sudo apt-key add -

        Dump1090 Graphical Interface (View your aircraft radar contacts):
        FR24 installs Dump1090-Mutability 1.15 when 'DVBT' chosen with an inbuilt display map if
        --net option is added to additional parameters
        Visit http://<host ip>:8080 / http://<host ip>:8080/dump1090 / http://<host ip>/dump1090/gmap.html

        A further port change option can be specified --net-http-port xxxx if other services run on 8080 already
        See Dump1090 documentation for further assistance
        Dump1090 map is not loaded in AVR/TCP mode as it is not required - separate dump1090 or map software required

        Status Variables

        cat /dev/shm/decoder.txt

        mlat-uplink-stats = 0
        - Nothing uploaded, could be because not enough of other MLAT-receivers in the area.

        Lists the last known problem - may not indicate current fault
        - "no-config" comes from the decoder starting too soon to receive from server
        - both uploaded/not uploaded

        Associated files
        pi@raspberrypi:~ $ dpkg-query -L fr24feed
        Additional Diagnostic commands:
        Last edited by Oblivian; 2020-05-23, 04:18.
        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


          Below is an example of the signup wizard on Rpi:

          RPi Signup Wizard

          Email Address
          Existing Key if known (blank = request new)
          * old keys may be deleted if not feeding. Check stats

          Antenna Details:
          Latitude 00.0000
          Longitude 000.0000
          Altitude (ft)

          Step 1.3 - Would you like to participate in MLAT calculations? (yes/no)$

          - Only valid for certain receiver configurations

          ** Checks for running software **

          If Dump1090 already present:

          We have detected that you already have a dump1090 instance running. We can therefore automatically configure the FR24 feeder to use existing receiver configuration, or you can manually configure all the parameters.

          Would you like to use autoconfig (*yes*/no)$:

          If PiAware already present:

          We have detected that you already have a PiAware application instaled. We can therefore try to automatically configure the FR24 feeder to use existing receiver configuration, or you can manually configure all the parameters.

          Would you like to use autoconfig (*yes*/no)$:

          Autoconfig not available/not chosen:

          Step 4.1 - Receiver selection (in order to run MLAT please use DVB-T stick with dump1090 utility bundled with fr24feed):

          1 - DVBT Stick (USB)
          2 - SBS1/SBS1er (USB/Network)
          3 - SBS3 (USB/Network)
          4 - ModeS Beast (USB/Network)
          5 - AVR Compatible (DVBT over network, etc)
          6 - microADSB (USB/Network)
          7 - SBSx via Basestation (localhost:30006)

          Enter your receiver type (1-7)$:

          DVBT (with no other feeder software!):

          Step 4.2 - Please select connection type:

          1 - Network connection
          2 - USB directly to this computer

          Step 5.1 - Would you like to enable RAW data feed on port 30334 (yes/no)$:
          Step 5.2 - Would you like to enable Basestation data feed on port 30003 (yes/no)

          - Enables local server. If running Dump1090 or other software with these ports open select NO

          BEAST-TCP (established receiver data out)

          1 - Network connection
          2 - USB directly to this computer

          Step 4.3A - Please enter your receiver's IP address/hostname
          $:<device IP>

          Step 4.3B - Please enter your receiver's data port number
          $:<data port>

          Step 5.1 - Would you like to enable RAW data feed on port 30334 (yes/no)$:no
          Step 5.2 - Would you like to enable Basestation data feed on port 30003 (yes/no)$:no
          Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-07-14, 11:57.
          Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


            Can I run FR24feed on my FA FlightFeeder?
            No. It is against the policy agreed to when the device is supplied to modify or add to the core software supplied on the device.
            However you can purchase/use an additional Raspberry Pi and upload using the network data output ports with BEAST-TCP settings as outlined.

            *This differs from a FA ProStick - the optimised USB receiver that works like any other USB SDR tuner device

            Can I run FR24feed on my RPi with FA Pi-aware image installed?
            Yes* - as this is a generic Raspian install you can run the normal install BASH script and answer questions accordingly so the software work together
            *Both PiAware and Pi24 images have locked limitations and can not install variants of Dump1090-Mutability DEV editions.
            All about feeding data to Flightradar24 (The Flightradar24 receiver, Raspberry Pi and Windows feeding software). No discussions about Flightradar24 web or apps.

            Can I register 2 stations in my stats page?
            Yes - Email FR24 support with the second device location details and Radar code (if issued with one already) and request it linked to your account
            - This will become more user-automated in future

            My range decreased when switching from Windows to RPi using the same stick and antenna - can I do anything?
            Fine tune noise Adjustments can be made to USB tuners by issuing the additional arguments --gain xx
            Valid values:
            0.0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6

            I wish to move my receiver to a new location - will this effect anything?
            YES - If you contribute to MLAT any (significant) change in location will reflect on data calculation accuracy server side (setup at first signup)
            If temporary move, MLAT should be disabled. If permanent be sure to notify FR support of your ID and location change details or adjust in account settings -
            Dump1090 map centre can also be reconfigured if using the visual output such as sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability

            Can I view my radar contacts (alternate My radar alias does not appear on web site)
            Singling out your own data or ID on the main site map is not likely as it is a multi uploader data source database
            - Using the above methods for Dump1090 Graphical interface
            - Using RadarView
            - Using Virtual Radar Server

            What do the Radar Codes (Prefix / Alias) mean?
            Radar: NET1 = Users feeding from Planeplotter software.
            Radar: F-xxxx = FR24 boxes / Hardware feeders.
            Radar: T-xxxx = Users owned boxes uploading to FR24 / Software feeders.
            Radar: N-xxxx = Networked SBS-1 users uploading.
            Radar: R12* R13* are just temporary codes assigned automatically by the system, before FR24 receivers have been assigned correct code manually.
            Radar: R1a* = Temporary Radar codes on the upload Software & Server.
            Radar: T-PP1 = Users feeding with Planeplotter software.

            Why are my statistics broken/wrong
            In some cases the connection to the FR24 statistics server may have interruptions using UDP due to various ISP reasons
            Test with uploads in HTTP mode by changing fr24feed.ini
            - restart your Pi and see if this helps.
            Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-07-01, 07:38.
            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


              Possible SBS Configuration Setups:

              It has become largely apparent that SBS support is difficult. Data cannot be read directly using FR24feed after updates
              (hardware has been unavailable for testing)

              Update - 8-Oct-19 - SBS feeding should now be possible from LinuxARM feeder 1.0.24-4 updates - TBC

              Virtual Pi can be used on windows instead of purchasing standalone

              Note the manual refers to using port 10001 - this is WRONG for reading data from. That port can only use 1 connection at a time - direct to the SBS when using via network

              Correct cloned output data port for other software to read while fr24feed is running is 20072

              SBS Family:
              Version 18-5 - 19-8 do NOT read SBS data as expected per below.
              Versions from 19-8 should work with SBS but often do not

              When NVM settings of SBS3 set as 'standalone' opens ports:
              10001 - primary encrypted data
              30005 - audio stream
              30006 - RAW Binary relay/out

              When Basestation Viewer Suite running:
              30005 - audio stream
              30006 - RAW Binary relay/out
              30003 - basestation format

              SBS3 - (and poss SBS1) Untested

              1. FR24feed primary device connection
              Step 1
              Configure FR24feed for 'SBSx' (USB or LAN - source port 10001)
              Enable 'SBS feed' - relay/out option (opens port 20072)
              Close FR24feed

              Step 2
              Configure basestation as network data source:
              (settings - hardware settings - network)
              Close Basestation

              Open FR24feed (ensure connecting to SBS)

              Open Basestation (ensure connecting to FR24feed relay on 20072)

              Other apps should share access to 20072 (+ 30006 if BS open)

              2. SBS3 Standalone mode
              Using basestation configure non-Volatile settings to 'standalone' mode - check default port 10001

              Configure Basestation source to network
              <SBS3 IP>:30006

              Close Basestation

              Configure FR24feed to SBS3 LAN
              Set port details as
              <SBS3 ip>:10001 (_test 2nd connection to 30006_)

              Start FR24feed
              Ensure working
              Open Basestation and ensure connects to SBS3 at same time

              'SBSx via Basestation' has been de-comissioned - do not select this on older versions

              Configure FR24feed for SBS1(USB)
              Enable 'SBS Feed' (relay out)
              Close FR24feed

              Configure Basestation for network data with the source of

              Run FR24feed - check connect via USB to SBS OK

              Open basestation - check connect to fr24feed output on 20072 as intended + displays
              Last edited by Oblivian; 2020-06-14, 10:40.
              Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                <space holder>
                Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-03-23, 11:12.
                Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                  Viewing local traffic from your receiver

                  Dump1090 can display local traffic by visiting the web page if enabled (Post #1)
                  http://<host ip>:8080 / http://<host ip>:8080/dump1090 / http://<host ip>/dump1090/gmap.html

                  ADSBScope & VRS example

                  VirtualRadarServer or VRS as it is commonly seen described here is a graphical interface with the ability to show locally sourced aircraft position data on a web-page for you or the internet for friends etc.

                  It has the ability to log these contacts in a database format (additional plugin required) and show icons and flags if added from basestation software suite or other such sources

                  !! It is not designed for those of you without a receiver of some type, or access to data from one. !!

                  Paradiselost has in the past made an example page with graphics on setting up VRS and ADSBScope downstream using the RAW output. The same goes for other software, such as tailing off FR24feed output ports (see common ports)


                  ADSBScope and network data:
                  ADSBScope has basic map settings for mobile ADSB use (at airport etc)
                  Other-Network-Network setup

                  Port:30005 (presumed dump1090 is running in --net mode)
                  Dataformat: Binary
                  URL: Pi.IP.Goes.Here

                  CLOSE (you need to scroll down to it)

                  And then
                  Other - network - RAW-Data Client Active


                  When you are actively feeding and have a premium account, radar view can be used to attached to your local traffic (fr24feed) and display in a basic format also

                  Log in to premium
                  Click the "Map View" drop-down and select radar view
                  Add checkmark to Show local (and adjust IP accordingly if Pi/external PC)

                  This method is not advised as data quality may not be optimized for FR24 use - Dump1090 has similar web server display capability

                  RTL1090 will open port 31001* (Beast/AVR) OUT, 31004 (Basestation) OUT, 31002 IN when launched.

                  Example FR24feed Configuration:
                  Receiver: Beast-TCP
                  Source: <rtl1090 PC IP>:31001*
                  BS & RAW: OFF

                  If the format is not recognised (Beast Binary) or other software requires strict AVR - you can over-ride when starting with a new shortcut or .cmd file - RTL1090.exe /AVR

                  Other applications can connect to the same RAW/AVR out on 31001*. Or Basestation format on 31004

                  *Default port is 31001
                  Some systems may detect USB stick as 2nd device and change to 31011
                  Output Port opened is shown on the bottom of the RTL1090 window!

                  9-2-16 Added RTL1090 info
                  14-3-16 added more regarding VRS
                  28-1-19 adjust RTL1090 example
                  24-3-19 adjust ADSBscope and RTl examples to eliminate windows feeder
                  Last edited by Oblivian; 2020-05-08, 11:35.
                  Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers



                    Generic flow of data

                    Optimised FR24feed as decoder:

                    Decoder Configuration:
                    'DVBT' (no advanced features)
                    DVBT -> USB -> FR24feed -> 30005 (Beast-TCP if RAW/Net out enabled)
                    DVBT -> USB -> FR24feed -> 30002 (AVR-TCP if RAW/Net out enabled)

                    Separate Dump1090 as decoder:

                    'BEAST-TCP' ( --NET)
                    DVBT -> Dump1090 -> localhost:30005 -> FR24feed (Raw out/30002: NO)
                    DVBT -> Dump1090 -> localhost:30005 -> Other Software
                    'AVR-TCP' ( --NET)
                    DVBT -> Dump1090 -> localhost:30002 -> FR24feed (Raw out/30002: NO)
                    DVBT -> Dump1090 -> localhost:30002 -> Other Software

                    Linux and non-FR24 bundled Dump1090
                    If installing Dump1090 or compiling outside of FR24feed bundle, as above posts indicate you must configure FR24feed to connect to Dump1090 via AVR-TCP on 30002 / Beast TCP on 30005
                    Attempting to do so on pre-compiled FR24feed or PiAware image without linux knowledge is NOT advised

                    Suggested method in basic steps
                    Install Dump1090 of choice
                    - Configure with advanced options of choosing
                    - confirm working using web view
                    Install FR24/Piaware package - wizard will detect (if running correctly!) and assist
                    - Do NOT agree to 'enable RAW out' or basestation when asked in FR24feed install
                    Last edited by Oblivian; 2020-05-08, 11:41.
                    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                      Basic DVBT stick setup:

                      DVB-T sticks must have a RTL2832U chipset and 802T/802T2 tuner.
                      Those supplied with FC0013 or similar are not suitable


                      - Don't populate HOST field
                      - Don't populate COM/DEV/PATH field

                      Feed from PiAware / Alternate Dump1090 version or AVR TCP capable output:

                      - Requires IP/Port populated
                      - Don't populate COM/DEV/PATH field*
                      * - Only populate COM/DEV/PATH to dump1090 version installed if FR24FEED required to force start it on loading (not already running as service)
                      - Disable other data outputs fields as controlled by external Dump1090 configuration
                      - For Beast format use port 30005

                      MicroADSB Stick:

                      - (linux/Pi) Run sudo lsusb and dmesg | grep tty to confirm device port to populate - CASE SENSITIVE!


                      Configuration planning should be based around intentions
                      To Run FR24feed as the 'connector' or Decoder
                      To Run FR24feed as a client behind other decoder application

                      Each program has in and out data flow:

                      Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-03-23, 11:37.
                      Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                        Windows (10) Feeder Specifics - to be retired
                        Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-05-13, 07:30.
                        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                          FR24 LOG FILE ROTATION

                          The Log file rotation on Linux/Rpi is notorious for not clearing logs (filling SD card) or rotating correctly in some situations

                          Thanks to "SlashbNL" there is an adjustment to the code that can assist here

                          But still be aware, SD cards can only have a finite write count. Logs are better suited for enabling for diagnosis purpose only, or relocating to temporary flash/RAM

                          sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/fr24feed

                          Modify to following:

                          /var/log/fr24feed/*.log {
                          rotate 5
                          su fr24 fr24
                          create 0644 fr24 fr24
                          /bin/systemctl status fr24feed.service > /dev/null ; then \
                          /bin/systemctl restart fr24feed.service > /dev/null; \
                          Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-03-23, 00:51.
                          Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                            Migrating USB Devices (MicroADSB/Beast/SBS) to Raspberry Pi (Linux) from Windows feeder

                            Dump1090 is usually only needed for RTL USB devices (DVBT sticks) and not other USB Receivers (SBS, Beast, TransponderMouse, MicroADSB)
                            Therefore some options in the FR24feed setup page become more important to control

                            When setting up your desired OS/Feeder setup. Or creating/adjusting existing FR24feed config
                            The default port when no other usb devices are installed to enter into the COM/DEV/PATH: field is likely to be:

                            If this does not work as expected (no AC Tracked or feeder not started), some commands are needed to confirm correct device details

                            Check for device detection:
                            sudo lsusb
                            Result output will list the chip used to emulate a serial port on USB. For Beast:
                            Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC

                            Check for port details:
                            dmesg | grep tty

                            Resulting Port listed beside FTDI device:
                            usb 1-1.2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

                            This gives a serial device ID to add to FR24feed 'COM/DEV/PATH' field - The number may change

                            OTHER OPTIONS

                            As the data from Mode-S Beast is 'native' to the feed software..
                            Host/IP: Should remain blank
                            Process Arguments: Should remain blank

                            If using other software (Planeplotter/VRS etc) the following options become valid (as dump1090 does not run):
                            RAW Data (30002/30334)
                            Decoded Data (30003)

                            Software should now be configured for TCP connections on the above depending on data type required

                            *For multiple client connections see here

                            Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-04-04, 08:17.
                            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                              RETIRED WINDOWS FEEDER SOLUTIONS:

                              WINDOWS (remains) HOST, PI FEEDER

                              The trickier / likely less reliable method

                              If like me, your Windows is multi-role or tasked there are alternate methods to continue to feed FlightRadar24 solely from a RPi type device
                              However this requires a detailed/specific setup depending on device and software in use. And may still cause this 'bad data' reported

                              Assuming you have a working windows feed receiver or Basestation setup:

                              Existing Planeplotter -
                              Stop data
                              IO Settings
                              TCP/IP Server
                              Enable x | RAW x | IP 30333 (better to use non standard port to stop conflicts)
                              Start feed again

                              FR24feed PI Config:
                              Set Receiver to beast-TCP
                              Set Host/IP to <ip of windows>:30333
                              Start/restart fr24feed

                              Kinetic Basestation (untested) -
                              When the SBS-3 is connected to BaseStation, the main data port is in use by BaseStation, and does not support a second connection. Third party applications can however still connect Via Ethernet to port 30006 on BaseStation to obtain the raw data.
                              Other applications may connect to port 30003 on baseStation to obtain decoded positions and other data for aircraft
                              FR24feed Pi Config:
                              Set Receiver to SBSx via Basestation
                              Set Host/IP to <ip of windows>:30006
                              Restart + test
                              Set Receiver to avr-tcp
                              Set Host/IP to <ip of windows>:30003
                              Restart + test

                              Potential optional requirement to allow above on SBS-3:
                              Settings - Non-Volatile Memory Setting
                              Select Standalone mode
                              Configure feed for SBS3 Network

                              WINDOWS (remains) HOST, VIRTUAL LINUX FEEDER
                              aka - no new hardware spend method

                              SBS + Basestation users may prefer this..

                              Later testing has found it is possible to run a virtual OS under windows and feed from Basestation
                              Please see this thread for instructions:

                              The following are tested alternatives for feeding if your receiver was a windows based setup TAKE NOTE: These instructions are not for the feint of heart. They are complex. They do involve some learning Some SBS Receivers are still NOT supported Raspberry PI + DVB Stick + PI24 although come with a cost. May be easier for some
                              Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-05-13, 08:09.
                              Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers

