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Constantly getting errors in output

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  • Constantly getting errors in output

    The tile basically says it all, this is my fr24feed output:
    ~$ sudo fr24feed
    /dev/shm/decoder.txt: Permission denied
    [main][e]Could not create monitor file!
    ______  _  _         _      _                    _              _____    ___
    |  ___|| |(_)       | |    | |                  | |            / __  \  /   |
    | |_   | | _   __ _ | |__  | |_  _ __  __ _   __| |  __ _  _ __`' / /' / /| |
    |  _|  | || | / _` || '_ \ | __|| '__|/ _` | / _` | / _` || '__| / /  / /_| |
    | |    | || || (_| || | | || |_ | |  | (_| || (_| || (_| || |  ./ /___\___  |
    \_|    |_||_| \__, ||_| |_| \__||_|   \__,_| \__,_| \__,_||_|  \_____/    |_/
                   __/ |
    [main][i]FR24 Feeder/Decoder
    [main][i]Version: 1.0.46-2/generic
    [main][i]Built on Feb 13 2024 13:59:59 (T202402131356/Linux/static_amd64)
    [main][i]Running on: ubuntu="22.04"
    [main][i]Copyright 2012-2024 Flightradar24 AB
    [main][i]DNS mode: PING
    [main][i]Automatic updates are ENABLED
    ERROR: rmmod: ERROR: Module dvb_usb_rtl28xxu is not currently loaded
    [w]Detected --net argument for dump1090, disabling internal RAW feed!
    [w]Detected --net argument for dump1090, disabling internal BS feed!
    [I] [httpd]Server started, listening on :::8754
    [i]PacketSenderConfiguration::fetch_config(): Yoda configuration for this receiver is disabled
    [d]TLSConnection::ctor(): Enable verify_peer in production code!
    [main][i]Reader thread started
    [main][i]MLAT data feed started
    [master][i]Starting processing thread
    [mlat][i]Waiting for MLAT configuration
    [reader][i]Initializing reader
    [reader][i]Connecting to DVBT receiver via (exe:///usr/bin/dump1090 --net --net-http-port 8081 --raw --mlat)
    [reader][i]Connected to the receiver, configuring
    [reader][i]Configured, processing messages
    [reader][i]Timestamp source changed from UNKNOWN to SYSTEM-UNCERTAIN
    [time][i]Synchronizing time via NTP
    [main][w]Failed to synchronize time, waiting 8 seconds
    [time][i]Synchronizing time via NTP
    [time][e]Failed to synchronize time
    [main][w]Failed to synchronize time, waiting 10 seconds
    [time][i]Synchronizing time via NTP
    [time][i]Time synchronized correctly, offset -3.724 seconds
    [main][i]Feed Network client started
    [feed][i]Downloading configuration
    [feed][d]Fetching configuration
    [reader][i]Timestamp source changed from SYSTEM-UNCERTAIN to SYSTEM-VALIDATED
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [feed][i]configuring decoder
    [feed][c]Max range AIR: 300.0nm
    [feed][c]Max range GND: 80.0nm
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [feed][i]configuration changed
    [feed][i]defined 3 servers
    [feed][c]Timestamps: optional
    [I] Stopping ReceiverACSender threads for feed
    [I] [stats]Stats thread started
    [I] Network thread connecting to for feed EDDN456
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [feed][n]connected via UDP (fd 20)
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [feed][i]sent 1,0 AC
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer
    [E] write_locked - missing monitor file pointer​
    I run on ubuntu wsl with my sdr passed trough, because on windows natively wouldn't work.

  • #2
    I had the same errors when setting this up for the first time on a raspberry pi recently.

    The very first line of your log output is the issue (at least it was for me):
    /dev/shm/decoder.txt: Permission denied.

    For me it was that the file was owned by root but I was running the software as a different user. I had to change the owner of /dev/shm/decoder.txt to the other user and it fixed the error. I'm not sure if there is anything else you need to do as I'm running fr24 as a systemd service and you seem to be running fr24 directly, but it's at least something to get you started.

