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Problems with Linux installation
Many years ago my RPi was trashed and I never got to install a new FR24 RPi, so today I wanted to join the "feeder club" again - but this time...
Weather-util and my PHP page on Github
Hi guys!
Here you can find the webpage i created to show METAR results.
It is based on the weather-util app available only in terminal...
Using SSH on a headless FR24 runnig on Pi with Linux
I have just started running FR24 on RPi, I wanted to be able to get commandline access, which I can do if I plug the Pi into a keyboard...
Linux - installing feed software
This is a Linux question rather than a FR24 one - but I'm sure there are much greater minds on here than on the Linux Mint forum to help me.
My New Project Idea: A Talking Flightradar24 Filter
My Idea (the story): Shortly after I married my wife and opted to live in her home, I have noticed that a variety of aircraft flies over and nearby. When...
What does "[mlat][i]Stats 30532/0" mean?
I have been noticing that "30532" number in log entry "[mlat][i]Stats 30532/0" no longer increases. I have no clue what "[ml...
How to use RAW data and/or Decoded data via LAN?
Hello World! It's almost 48 hours since I began running FR24 Feed on my headless BeagleBone Black and today, I discovered the dump1080 web (:8080) and...
Run fr24feed as custom user
Would it be possible to run fr24feeder as a custom user? Like DUMP1090-mutability can. I find service software not be ran as root.
Linux / RPi: Unattended-Upgrades of fr24feed
I've installed fr24feed on my RPi2 (Raspbian Jessie) using the repository
Code:deb h****// flightradar24
Last edited by Flint; 2015-09-17, 16:39.
[Request] SailfishOS & Ubuntu Touch app
Is it possible to get Flightradar24 app for SailfishOS (from Jolla) and maybe Ubuntu Touch? both uses Qt5 and HERE(gps) maps.
+ Tizen (made by samsung...Last edited by ahjolinna; 2014-09-14, 12:31.
Linux feeder software for Flightradar24 (Old software)
This software has been removed and is not supported as feeding software any more!