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Lincolnshire Poacher
Lincolnshire Poacher
Last Activity: 2021-06-06, 21:05
Joined: 2016-05-31
Location: North Lincolnshire,England
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ADS-B Receiver in door (Topic in the Technical matters (hardware) forum)
2016-06-28, 16:28
Airband Radio Recommendations (Topic in the General aviation forum)
2016-11-10, 17:19
Airbus "Beluga" from Chester, UK heading to Bremen (Topic in the General aviation forum)
2017-03-30, 19:57
Aircraft blocked (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2016-06-12, 06:02
Cable for antenna? (Topic in the Technical matters (hardware) forum)
2016-07-02, 14:39
Can't connect to anything, connection terminated (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2016-06-29, 15:52
Change dongle (Topic in the Technical matters (hardware) forum)
2016-09-03, 19:39
Connection terminated (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2017-10-02, 04:40
Create a range plot ???? (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2016-06-22, 15:47
Download Airport arrivals and departures (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2017-03-25, 20:15
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