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Flight attendant
Last Activity: 2023-06-15, 09:34
Joined: 2014-05-14
Location: China Kunming
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Aircraft to be added into Flightradar24 aircraft database (Topic in the Flightradar24 (aircraft database) forum)
Today, 00:18
Email alerts only work for one week (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2019-04-07, 15:00
fr24feed suddenly terminating [BUG?] (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2018-01-29, 11:50
Getting your rank from FR24 Feeders Statistics easily (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2023-05-16, 08:01
Kunming Radar, China (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2014-10-16, 03:40
My.Flightradar24 Kunming Airport(KMG/ZPPP) name error (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2018-05-23, 13:10
New Flightradar24 web page (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2014-12-01, 16:18
New Raspberry Pi Feed - questions about Statistics page missing data (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2017-05-18, 17:21
New webpage design: Bug reports (Topic in the Flightradar24 (web page and apps) forum)
2018-03-19, 09:37
Program Crashes After About 30 Minutes (Topic in the Flightradar24 (feeding data to Flightradar24) forum)
2018-02-06, 15:42
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