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Problems with drivers for DVB-T

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    Problems with drivers for DVB-T

    This is puzzling me I hope someone can help please. Using zadig with the dongle rtl1090 and fr24feed I can get to work no problem. The issue I have is that when I stop rtl1090 or shut down the pc when I restart or reboot the dongle becomes 'unrecognised' I then have to unistall including the driver and basically start at the beginning again which is just a tadge tedious.

    I reckon I must be missing something somewhere anyone any ideas or should it work no problem and maybe the re is a fault with the dongle but it works fine when I get it working.

    Any help would be appreciated I have done a lot of searching to try and resolve this but can't find anything that helps as yet.


    Hi explora56,
    Sorry, I don't have a solution but thought I would add my experiences.

    I have a Win7 Pro with SP1 laptop and every so often I get a pop-up message saying the USB device will run faster if it is attached to a USB2 port. It then loses contact with rtl1090. I reboot the laptop and usually everything is OK again. Occasionally I have to shut the laptop down, take out the dongle, re-boot the laptop then put the dongle back in.

    I'll take a look through the drivers list and maybe we can compare notes.


      Hi trigger thanks for taking the time to reply. I checked my mboard and my USB ports are all USB2. I thought maybe some other people may be experiencing the same issue and if there are I sure would like to know but if not then well it could be a hardware fault but I think that maybe unlikely as I can get it to work by uninstalling everything and starting from scratch. I will persevere sure I will find an explanation somewhere along the way meanwhile I will just keep reloading as it were.


        Device manager, click show hidden devices and look for remnants of the original drivers. I suspect you may still have a legacy inf (driver reference) file there somewhere that is deciding to install before the direct ones that zadig does.

        If you are an advanced user you can check windows\inf for RECENT oemxx.inf files for reference of tv/dongle/dvb etc and remove them to ensure on zadig is present.
        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers

