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Lost access to my stats

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    Lost access to my stats

    New to FR24 so I might be looking in the wrong place

    I have a Premium account and I'm feeding FR24. Yesterday I'm sure I found a page with details of my stats like number of aircraft seen and distance together with a pie chart. I've looked in Your Account and there is a button "Your Feeds". Pressing this takes me to a page with this

    Your feeds Return to your feeds Return to your account

    Radar: T-EGUB1 Status: Online Last upload (~5min): 2015-01-03 23:16:26

    Can anyone help?

    Should be a 'more info' at the end of that line with the feed data.

    Will be
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


      Hi Oblivian, thanks for the reply. I thought there was something missing. I've tried on a couple of PCs but no luck. On the link you posted, what format is the xxx? Is it my feeder id?


        Nope. Seems to be a session generated code based on login cookie or similar

        Unless you are clicking 'my feeds' which lacks the more info link. Which to me is here
        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


          For "T" feeder, More Info stats are available only with new, beta feeding software.
          Check did you start new, or old one.
          I think you started the old one
          Last edited by Amper; 2015-01-04, 13:10.
          For official support use Contact Form


            Originally posted by Milliam
            Trigger, Seeing as you had access to the stats page previously then there should be a More info hyperlink at the end of that line Radar: T-EGUB1 Status: Online Last upload (~5min): 2015-01-03 23:16:26 More info
            as below;
            There is NO "More Info" hyperlink for T feeders using regular FR24 software! Only those using new BETA sw.
            For official support use Contact Form


              Yesterday he did....and then he didn't....

              in his post...copy of premium page info.....there is no More info hyperlink.

              Only reason I can think of is that he started old feeding sw

              Milliam, before starting argue with me, don't give wrong info here.

              There is no hyperlink for all feeders!
              For official support use Contact Form


                Before I start another fight

                I'm using the new beta feed 1.0.10-1 on a freshly imaged 2Gb card. I am a new T feeder, new Pi user and new Linux user.

                It appears that although my Premium page showed I was online, it turns out I wasn't. The Pi thought it was feeding something but it was not getting to FR24. After a reboot this morning, the more info url came back and all was well.

                Can you not get your stats if you are not feeding? Is there a way of re-sorting the dates on the stats page with today at the top? It seems to default to the first day you stared feeding.

                Thank you all for your input, you were all right. I didn't give enough information in my first post. Now put the boxing gloves away
                Last edited by trigger; 2015-01-04, 17:42. Reason: supplementary questions


                  Originally posted by trigger View Post
                  Before I start another fight

                  I'm using the new beta feed 1.0.10-1 on a freshly imaged 2Gb card. I am a new T feeder, new Pi user and new Linux user.

                  It appears that although my Premium page showed I was online, it turns out I wasn't. The Pi thought it was feeding something but it was not getting to FR24. After a reboot this morning, the more info url came back and all was well.

                  Can you not get your stats if you are not feeding? Is there a way of re-sorting the dates on the stats page with today at the top? It seems to default to the first day you stared feeding.

                  Thank you all for your input, you were all right. I didn't give enough information in my first post. Now put the boxing gloves away
                  no feed-no stats
                  For official support use Contact Form


                    @Amper Nope no feed-no stats Many thanks.

