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Blocked flights

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  • #16
    I agree with Mike's position on this 100%. It only take one simple stroke of the pen to end our hobby and any government or department can do just that. So why push it? Is it worth taking a risk just to see that one airplane in the sky?

    Please don't use the other competing web sites as an example of who does what. Remember, if they piss somebody off and ends up attracting a "no ads-b" legislation, we end up getting screwed right along with them.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SoCalBrian View Post
      How many "Mode-S/ADS-B" codes being blocked as of right now ? aka Aircraft,Vehicles,etc...
      It's hard to get a good number as we have received several ModeS code number series, mostly used by ground objects, that contains future codes, not uses codes, not covered codes or objects not transmitting ADS-B. Together with FAA there are thousands of ModeS codes blocked, but I guess that in European airspace normally there are 1-3 aircraft missing due too blocking.

      In USA it's probably a bit more, but that's because of the more updated FAA list.

      It looks like the biggest issue in most cases are ground vehicles and not aircraft. I hope that some hidden cars is not an issue for flight spotters.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mike View Post
        It looks like the biggest issue in most cases are ground vehicles and not aircraft.
        Thats quite interesting and surprising information for me..

        I think that most of the FR24 users don't care much about ground vehicles traffic now, especily if its available only on couple of airports
        Last edited by mazgaj; 2013-03-04, 22:16.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ba787 View Post
          Thats not good, I understand some aircraft will want to block there details but if its broadcast over ADS-B it shouldn't be blocked at all, anyone can listen to that anyway. Tried another site and the aircraft weren't blocked there. I know they block FAA flights but at least the ADS-B ones were shown.
          Just compared FR24 and RB24
          547 ADS-B aircraft vs 191 ADS-B aircraft.

          It's up to you if you prefer to watch 547 out of maybe 551 (would guess 0-4 blocked) or 191 (0 blocked).


          • #20
            Blocked not blocked FR24 is definitely the best and this is out of the question. We can live without two or three NCG Dorniers and Gulfstream from Swedish Airforce. It's not make noticeable difference if we have thousands of flights more compared to the competition websites.

            Now we are waiting for MLAT
            Last edited by mazgaj; 2013-03-05, 08:16.


            • #21
              What is the "FR24 Policy" before removing the aircraft from viewing?
              Is it only for "Country" owned aircraft? like the above "Swedish Airforce".
              Will you remove "City/State/local Government" aircraft(local police/fire) from viewing if they only send an email to FR24 ?

              Maybe something can be added to the FR24 FAQ page or something about your removal policy.

              Kind of like reading the RR Policy for removing radio system info(talkgroups,freqs,etc)
              “ will NOT honor requests to remove system information for City, State, and Local Government authorities. The system information provided on these pages provides an important resource to well meaning users of the data, and we do not intend to change that.”

              Removal of Information
     does not remove information from our service platforms unless a subpoena or court order is received requiring us to do so.


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              • #22
                Hello SoCalBrian,

                FR24 is not RR. It's comparing apple to oranges. It is legal in the US to listen to police broadcast. It is protected by US law. Unfortunately there is no such protection afforded to FR24 with regards to ADS-B receivers in the international scene. Making a policy would be fruitless when there is no standard from one international border to another. Let's just use common sense when dealing with such things. Lets not wait for laws to be enacted. It's so much easier to comply with a request than it is to comply with the law.

                On a side note, Lindsay (the owner of RR) is a radarbox user...


                • #23
                  Anyone already have a list of blocked aircraft Aircraft Registration handy ? (for those aircraft that was talked about on Page 1 and 2)


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                  • #24
                    Id say such a list is a little sensitive, as it potentially could identify other unsuspecting individual AC that are obviously wanting to stay 'under the radar' to coin a phrase
                    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                    • #25
                      Not wishing to wade too deep into this argument but...
                      What if FR24 receives a request from lawyers of private people or companies to "cease and desist" ?
                      Who does FR24 consider to be "authorities"? I understand and agree with government bodies but not sure how far this can creep.
                      Some private AC operators may not want have tracking of their destinations for commercial reasons.
                      Would they have grounds to present legal request? Would FR24 use "common sense" before these exclusions?
                      We don't want the commercial airlines trying this to stop comparisions of their services -do we.
                      My two cents worth.


                      • #26
                        Will will not publish any information in the FAQ just to keep this as low below "radar" as possible. Every exclusion request is handled manually and we will no comment or publish this process in public.


                        • #27
                          Transparency is a very important feature of web based services that rely on gracious sharing of input data.
                          I do not understand how FR24 will be able to apply appropriate judgement in these decisions across so many countries, cultures and influences. This will be an interesting journey.
                          My data is shared in good faith that it will be treated openly with respect and fairness. I do not expect it will be clipped without some logical explanation.
                          What stops another site being set up to register data that is NOT being published by FR24? This would be a VERY interesting list !!
                          I would respectfully suggest that this position (policy?) is reconsidered.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mike View Post
                            Will will not publish any information in the FAQ just to keep this as low below "radar" as possible. Every exclusion request is handled manually and we will no comment or publish this process in public.
                            I agree with that approach. If the information about blocking will be put into the public some operators may find out that blocking is possible and may sent hastily requests for block their hex codes for any reason even if public positional data not affecting their safety and tasks and blocking is unnecessary. Mike mentioned that in European airspace normally there are only 1-3 aircraft missing due too blocking. These aircraft's are really sensitive - coast guard, military..etc Not civilian aircraft's in Europe is as far as I can see

                            This technology is relatively new and there is some concerns and discussions regarding insecurity of ADS-B protocol for example described in this articule:
                            so its better to not put a cat among the pigeons and growing in doubts.
                            Last edited by mazgaj; 2013-03-06, 15:21.


                            • #29
                              Must be these aircraft. It's showing ADS-B on Live-Mode-S website.
                              Nice looking plane. Interesting!

                              NCG flights (Netherlands Coast Guard)
                              NCG search: Click on the 'Green radar logo to get ADS-B track' {Live-Mode-S member only page}
                              PH-CGC - ModeS: 484646 - Dornier 228-212 -
                              PH-CGN - ModeS: 484607 - Dornier 228-212 -

                              Qatar Air Force - ADS-B Some on the FR24 blocked list.

                              A7-HJJ - ModeS: 06A01C - A-330 with ADS-B but blocked on FR24 -
                              A7-HHH - ModeS: 06A021 - A-340 with ADS-B but blocked on FR24 -
                              A7-HHK - ModeS: 06A001 - A-340 with ADS-B but blocked on FR24 -
                              The world’s most popular flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get up-to-date flight status & airport information.

                              Last edited by SoCalBrian; 2013-03-06, 19:35.

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                              • #30
                                I will leave you guys with this thought. is a very popular website for listening to atc communications online. However, large airports such as EGLL, LFPG, EDDB are missing. Does anyone know why?

