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Radar Alias Location displayed on Map.

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    Radar Alias Location displayed on Map.

    I see there have been suggestions about this before, but this has a different angle on it.

    A suggestion on improving the FR24 experience and the map would be to allow the location of all the uploading Alias airports on the map as an option. I don’t mean the exact co-ordinates of the up-loader or receiver, but the co-ordinates of the airport Alias the up-loader or receiver is using, in a different color to the standard airport colors.

    This would bring the map to life more and give a more informative display. Instead of having to look up YLLE (Ballera) for example to see where it is located, one could see immediately the location of the airport YLLE and know that there is a receiver somewhere in the vicinity.

    Originally posted by Bloods View Post
    I see there have been suggestions about this before, but this has a different angle on it.

    A suggestion on improving the FR24 experience and the map would be to allow the location of all the uploading Alias airports on the map as an option. I don’t mean the exact co-ordinates of the up-loader or receiver, but the co-ordinates of the airport Alias the up-loader or receiver is using, in a different color to the standard airport colors.

    This would bring the map to life more and give a more informative display. Instead of having to look up YLLE (Ballera) for example to see where it is located, one could see immediately the location of the airport YLLE and know that there is a receiver somewhere in the vicinity.
    That may or may not work well in practice as while I'm one of the Sydney radars I am actually closer to Bankstown (YSBK) or RAAF Richmond (YSRI) which have nothing in common with my radar alias. So relying on that method here would likely be misleading. I think the idea was to link us to the nearest main or international airport (where possible). At the moment there are many of us linked to YSSY but not all are located near the airport.

    Last edited by fungus; 2013-02-23, 05:44.
    YSSY2/T-YSSY4 [SBS-1 Basestation w/- SSE-1090 SJ Mk2 Antenna (Thanks Delcomp) ] [Uniden UBCD996T w/- 16 element Wideband Discone VHF/UHF Antenna, and tuned 108MHz-137MHz Airband Antenna] [Trialing a home-brew 1090MHz collinear antenna]


      Originally posted by fungus View Post
      That may or may not work well in practice as while I'm one of the Sydney radars I am actually closer to Bankstown (YSBK) or RAAF Richmond (YSRI) which have nothing in common with my radar alias. So relying on that method here would likely be misleading. I think the idea was to link us to the nearest main or international airport (where possible). At the moment there are many of us linked to YSSY but not all are located near the airport.

      I am near an airport with hardly any plane landing or taking off.

      WSSS is the main airport members here are interested in.
      F-WSSS1 - Cats refused to Pee & Pooh on RadarBox - Running a FR24 Receiver & DVB-T Dongle 24/7 to piss off The Chief Thief.


        Originally posted by Bloods View Post
        but the co-ordinates of the airport Alias the up-loader or receiver is using, in a different color to the standard airport colors.
        Or have feeder page for each up-loader to update with their station information. And see what "feeder" is Online/Offline,Availability,Max distance,Average Distance,etc....
        Like how it's done on MarineTraffic/Skytraffic.

        or AIShub up-loader info page
        or adsbhub
        Last edited by SoCalBrian; 2013-02-23, 07:34.
        [ Feeder Station List ][ Map ][ Latest Feeders Rank Stats ][ Radar Feeders WorldWide Map ][ VRS Feeder List ] (NEW)



          Very interesting and useful. We used to have a list of radars which indicated their status. Either as 'online' 'offline' or 'defunct' which was extremely useful on the chat if anyone had a querie about a particular area or radar. I wouldnt mind it being available again and it may be that it will return in some form. That's up to the powers that be. I certainly wouldnt be holding my breath waiting for it. It probably isnt on the shortlist at the moment.

          Last edited by fungus; 2013-02-23, 07:00.
          YSSY2/T-YSSY4 [SBS-1 Basestation w/- SSE-1090 SJ Mk2 Antenna (Thanks Delcomp) ] [Uniden UBCD996T w/- 16 element Wideband Discone VHF/UHF Antenna, and tuned 108MHz-137MHz Airband Antenna] [Trialing a home-brew 1090MHz collinear antenna]


            Originally posted by fungus View Post
            That may or may not work well in practice as while I'm one of the Sydney radars I am actually closer to Bankstown (YSBK) or RAAF Richmond (YSRI) which have nothing in common with my radar alias. So relying on that method here would likely be misleading. I think the idea was to link us to the nearest main or international airport (where possible). At the moment there are many of us linked to YSSY but not all are located near the airport.

            Why don't you change your Alias? I was given YSWG (Wagga Wagga) initially by the software which only seems to pick out the nearest BIG airport, but that is over 100km from here. I contacted the "powers that be" and explained that I am much closer to YNAR and they gladly changed it over, no questions asked. It is more accurate and informative to choose your nearest airport, regardless of size.


              I think this is the most commonly asked and answered question on the forum. We don't have the location of about 50% of the data feeders, and another 25% we only have an estimated position that can be 100-300 km incorrect. Showing a map with just 50% of receivers, and 25% incorrect just don't make any sense.


                .. but still there are a lot of interest in this from the users.

                Suggestion: Would it be possible to make a second map where those feeders who wish can plot their position and a little description? Or coulld it be done in Facebook? We're part of a social network - so why not utilize social media where possible?
                Radarstation KGVL


                  Originally posted by Bloods View Post
                  I see there have been suggestions about this before, but this has a different angle on it.

                  A suggestion on improving the FR24 experience and the map would be to allow the location of all the uploading Alias airports on the map as an option. I don’t mean the exact co-ordinates of the up-loader or receiver, but the co-ordinates of the airport Alias the up-loader or receiver is using, in a different color to the standard airport colors.
                  The exact coordinates of the up-loaders or receiver should NEVER be revealed for security reasons. Actual coordinates of the airport can be found via GoogleEarth.
                  F-WSSS1 - Cats refused to Pee & Pooh on RadarBox - Running a FR24 Receiver & DVB-T Dongle 24/7 to piss off The Chief Thief.


                    Originally posted by Bloods View Post
                    Why don't you change your Alias? I was given YSWG (Wagga Wagga) initially by the software which only seems to pick out the nearest BIG airport, but that is over 100km from here. I contacted the "powers that be" and explained that I am much closer to YNAR and they gladly changed it over, no questions asked. It is more accurate and informative to choose your nearest airport, regardless of size.
                    You must have struck them on a good day or perhaps attitudes have changed. I've been 'at my post' a very long while now (many have been here longer) having been originally allocated 'YSSY2' way back whenever, then 'T-YSSY4' when the change of uploader software took place which is prior to the period you mention which selects your 'nearest' airport. They had my exact co-ordinates and I didnt ask questions in those days when 'told' what my airport allocation code would be. On a one off basis I can see why they might be amenable to the suggestion of a change but I'm not sure they'd be all that impressed if we all started asking for a re-allocation of codes (or alias). What would I choose in any case? From YSSY I can 'see' aircraft down to about 2,500ft on a good day (depending on active rwy). From YSBK I can 'see' aircraft down to about 1,000ft due to a large hill. From YSRI I can 'see' aircraft down to about 80ft (well I could before my antenna was wiped out by a storm. Now it's more like 300ft). Does it really matter? It wont change the aircaft that are within my range one iota. The idea of the blue dot on the map was to indicate where we have radars in any case, it's just that it's a slow process to keep up with it I'd say.

                    Last edited by fungus; 2013-02-24, 05:34.
                    YSSY2/T-YSSY4 [SBS-1 Basestation w/- SSE-1090 SJ Mk2 Antenna (Thanks Delcomp) ] [Uniden UBCD996T w/- 16 element Wideband Discone VHF/UHF Antenna, and tuned 108MHz-137MHz Airband Antenna] [Trialing a home-brew 1090MHz collinear antenna]


                      Originally posted by Mike View Post
                      I think this is the most commonly asked and answered question on the forum. We don't have the location of about 50% of the data feeders, and another 25% we only have an estimated position that can be 100-300 km incorrect. Showing a map with just 50% of receivers, and 25% incorrect just don't make any sense.
                      It is an issue that is dear to the people's hearts then. It's better to start somewhere than nowhere. Why not put the 50% "on the map" so to speak? In Premium we can currently turn on VOR and NDB. Why not be able to turn on Radar Alias Airport Positions? Not hard to do since all the ICAO airport codes are listed by country and coordinates.


                        Originally posted by Birdie View Post
                        The exact coordinates of the up-loaders or receiver should NEVER be revealed for security reasons. Actual coordinates of the airport can be found via GoogleEarth.
                        Yes, we know how to use Google Earth, but that's not the point. Who wants to jump back and forth between programs? I think you meant privacy issue, rather than "security reasons"? I don't think the Bad guys are gonna come blow up my antenna are they? I did say that the coordinates of the feeder would not be shown, just the position of the airport ICAO code the feeder is using in his Alias.


                          Originally posted by fungus View Post
                          You must have struck them on a good day or perhaps attitudes have changed. I've been 'at my post' a very long while now (many have been here longer) having been originally allocated 'YSSY2' way back whenever, then 'T-YSSY4' when the change of uploader software took place which is prior to the period you mention which selects your 'nearest' airport. They had my exact co-ordinates and I didnt ask questions in those days when 'told' what my airport allocation code would be. On a one off basis I can see why they might be amenable to the suggestion of a change but I'm not sure they'd be all that impressed if we all started asking for a re-allocation of codes (or alias). What would I choose in any case? From YSSY I can 'see' aircraft down to about 2,500ft on a good day (depending on active rwy). From YSBK I can 'see' aircraft down to about 1,000ft due to a large hill. From YSRI I can 'see' aircraft down to about 80ft (well I could before my antenna was wiped out by a storm. Now it's more like 300ft). Does it really matter? It wont change the aircaft that are within my range one iota. The idea of the blue dot on the map was to indicate where we have radars in any case, it's just that it's a slow process to keep up with it I'd say.

                          You seem very "compliant" Gregg, not wanting to "rock the boat" so to speak. You do have some say you realize. After all, you are providing a free data feed to the network. Regarding "seeing" aircraft, I can pick up aircraft out to 240nm to the west on a good day and 180nm+ to the south-east on a good day also. Which Alias or airport I am linked with makes a lot of difference to me. It may be parochialism, but I want to put my local town and airport on the map, not the town 100km away. In your case, linking up with YSBK or YSRI would differentiate you from all those YSSY feeders and also give me and others a better understanding of just where in the big city of Sydney you are located. I'm sure the nice people at FR24Support wouldn't mind changing over a few alias's. What the big deal? Maybe people who are trying to put together lists of different Alias's might mind, but that's a different subject.


                            Originally posted by Bloods View Post
                            You seem very "compliant" Gregg, not wanting to "rock the boat" so to speak. You do have some say you realize. After all, you are providing a free data feed to the network. Regarding "seeing" aircraft, I can pick up aircraft out to 240nm to the west on a good day and 180nm+ to the south-east on a good day also. Which Alias or airport I am linked with makes a lot of difference to me. It may be parochialism, but I want to put my local town and airport on the map, not the town 100km away. In your case, linking up with YSBK or YSRI would differentiate you from all those YSSY feeders and also give me and others a better understanding of just where in the big city of Sydney you are located. I'm sure the nice people at FR24Support wouldn't mind changing over a few alias's. What the big deal? Maybe people who are trying to put together lists of different Alias's might mind, but that's a different subject.
                            I'm not necessarily disagreeing but am considering the workload involved for the FR24 team. I dont shy away these days from expressing my opinion to them (Mike will no doubt agree with that comment as I've given him heartburn on more than one occasion) but they no doubt currently (and likely always will) have dozens of ideas of their own on their 'to do list' let alone all of ours. Like anyone else they need to prioritise their workload. There are also limits as to how much information can be displayed on the map that need to be taken into account.

                            Living in the 'big smoke' is also somewhat different to your situation. If Badgeries Creek Airport had gone ahead I may have been 'Y-BAD' or something similar. I dont strictly have a 'co-located' airport (if we want to speak in aviation terms as they do with NDB and VOR navigation aids). Many guys may not want to change. Many might want to change a number of times. So there are many reasons why it may be impractical.

                            Whilst it's important that we all have an opportunity for input and an opportunity for reasoned debate about it in the end not all our ideas will get to 'fly.'

                            Last edited by fungus; 2013-02-24, 21:56.
                            YSSY2/T-YSSY4 [SBS-1 Basestation w/- SSE-1090 SJ Mk2 Antenna (Thanks Delcomp) ] [Uniden UBCD996T w/- 16 element Wideband Discone VHF/UHF Antenna, and tuned 108MHz-137MHz Airband Antenna] [Trialing a home-brew 1090MHz collinear antenna]


                              I think that would be nice to show a estimated position of the feeder.

                              also as is suggested in post
                              I believe that allowing feeders to add a text description or link near the radar name would be very beneficial for us.

