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New Zealand Radar

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    Now the hard bit. My receiver dongle arrived yesterday and receives brilliant tv and fm with it's little toy aerial, even through five walls, a big difference to the outside antenna required for the terrestrial freeview channels. I have tried to read on the internet how to set up for FP24 or PF but my brain is now mush and most articles are for PP anyway. Is there a quick and easy way, and is it on the web? Many thanks.



      Originally posted by angus View Post
      Now the hard bit. My receiver dongle arrived yesterday and receives brilliant tv and fm with it's little toy aerial, even through five walls, a big difference to the outside antenna required for the terrestrial freeview channels. I have tried to read on the internet how to set up for FP24 or PF but my brain is now mush and most articles are for PP anyway. Is there a quick and easy way, and is it on the web? Many thanks.

      Try ... and

      However, I'd not bother with Virtual Radar Server. Using the latest version of RTL1090.exe with startup code C:\RTL1090\rtl1090.exe /run /30003 means that software will run FR24feed.exe on the correct port 30003.

      Good luck and have fun!


        Thanks for those clues deconz. I read sonicgoose and think I can follow nearly all of that, but there are a few fish-hooks on the way I think. I'll read a book and watch a film and reconsider. I think I'm a plug-and-play kind of person, so I won't bother the forum again for a while Many thanks.



          Originally posted by angus View Post
          Thanks for those clues deconz. I read sonicgoose and think I can follow nearly all of that, but there are a few fish-hooks on the way I think. I'll read a book and watch a film and reconsider. I think I'm a plug-and-play kind of person, so I won't bother the forum again for a while Many thanks.

          It's almost as easy as plug n play. My major issue was Norton's not liking all the new software I was trying to install


            Originally posted by fungus View Post
            There is a thread on the forum for you to notify any changes that may be required to the database;

            Hes referring to shared data as seen in the planeplotter database Which is entered by sharers entering the information.
            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


              Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
              Hes referring to shared data as seen in the planeplotter database Which is entered by sharers entering the information.

              oops, thanks for clearing that one up
              YSSY2/T-YSSY4 [SBS-1 Basestation w/- SSE-1090 SJ Mk2 Antenna (Thanks Delcomp) ] [Uniden UBCD996T w/- 16 element Wideband Discone VHF/UHF Antenna, and tuned 108MHz-137MHz Airband Antenna] [Trialing a home-brew 1090MHz collinear antenna]


                [QUOTE]Thanks for those clues deconz. I read sonicgoose and think I can follow nearly all of that, but there are a few fish-hooks on the way I think. I'll read a book and watch a film and reconsider. I think I'm a plug-and-play kind of person, so I won't bother the forum again for a while Many thanks.


                Never install Nortons!!!! It takes over the computer. Not a lot of PP is plug and play Angus, but it sure livens up the brain cells( the ones you always thought were lying down) Just having PP even without a receiver can be fun as without you doing anything you can see what every ADSB plane is doing all over the world. However the receiver is the icing on the cake and worth the extra efforrt to install. Trouble is it can be addictive especially trying to increase ones ranges. Good luck anyway and try this for PP install ...


                  Originally posted by angus View Post
                  Thanks for those clues deconz. I read sonicgoose and think I can follow nearly all of that, but there are a few fish-hooks on the way I think. I'll read a book and watch a film and reconsider. I think I'm a plug-and-play kind of person, so I won't bother the forum again for a while Many thanks.

                  Hi Angus, Bruce from Rescue Fire DN airport here, from your spot on the top of Waihola hill you should get massive coverage from that height when you get up and running.
                  I have a micro ADSB unit but am bogged down in jargon setting it up. Where did you you get your dongle from and the make of it as I may go down this track
                  and set one up also at the airport and could work in tandem with your limited broadband coverage getting coverage of "rush hour "mid to late afternoons when we get ADSb aircraft arriving and departing.


                    Where you stuck at Bruce? The main thing to remember is dips 1-3 off and 4 on, unless you got the new no dip version.

                    If you can bother looking back a few pages theres a fair amount of info collated... infact, I should really set up a dedicated sicky guide shouldn't I. Hmm.

                    But let us know what you have done and now stuck with and we will help you along. To be honest setup of the MicroADSB is a lot easier than all the commandline apps and tweaks for the RTL dongles
                    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                      Hi Btruce. ring me on 481 7878



                        Jan 29the 2013 278 NM QFA 28or27.jpg I was away when this track was made so unsure of the flight but 278 NM is my best so far.


                          I got that the other day too. Uhhhmm. Some days ago I got similar but only 160 odd :/
                          Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                            Is ZK-MVB having teething troubles ? I see it is out doing circuits off Banks Pen. today and I understand it was out of service a few days ago. Have ordered a new PC antenna to test on the laptop; should arrive next week.


                              Originally posted by Petenz View Post
                              Is ZK-MVB having teething troubles ? I see it is out doing circuits off Banks Pen. today and I understand it was out of service a few days ago. Have ordered a new PC antenna to test on the laptop; should arrive next week.
                              this could only ever be regarded as an uneducated guess but I'd think it would have something to do with either maintenance or repair (or both) and what you witnessed was probably a test run. I'm sure one of the local lads can confirm for you in time.

                              Not knowing the geography at all (I'm from New Zealand's other big island across the detch ), hope this helps (from wiki);

                              "Change in heavy maintenance

                              In April 2010, parent airline Air New Zealand announced that it was moving the ATR 72-500 and ATR 72-600 heavy maintenance work away from Mount Cook Airline's home of Christchurch Airport to Nelson. Air Nelson's maintenance base would take over all ATR 72-500/600 heavy maintenance work from November 2010. Later in 2011 Eagle Airways will subcontract some ATR maintenance, to be performed at its Hamilton engineering base"

                              Last edited by fungus; 2013-02-02, 21:11.
                              YSSY2/T-YSSY4 [SBS-1 Basestation w/- SSE-1090 SJ Mk2 Antenna (Thanks Delcomp) ] [Uniden UBCD996T w/- 16 element Wideband Discone VHF/UHF Antenna, and tuned 108MHz-137MHz Airband Antenna] [Trialing a home-brew 1090MHz collinear antenna]


                                Feb 7th 2013 and 287.4 NM on QF27.jpg

                                Just opened the screen and was greeted with two eastern tracks , one of 250 NM and the other 287.4 NM. Pity the DeepFreeze C130's don't carry adsb ; it would make the eastern side of NZ so much more interesting. Haven't seen anything lately of our Invercargill friend and I thought we were going to get someone in Dunedin.

