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New Zealand Radar

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    Originally posted by deconz View Post
    Many thanks Michael!

    I'm on Bluff Highway near Kew - can see the airport and approaching aircraft with little obstruction :-)
    Welcome Deconz,

    Please do not hesitate to ask if there is any assistance we can provide. Looking forward to better coverage down south.

    Brent NZCH2


      Cheers Brent ... I have been admiring the extensive range you get from your setup!


        I saw QF27 overhead IVC just now. Shame Petenz (NZTU1) doesn't appear to be on the air as FR24 didn't catch her today :-( Can't wait to get my own unit up and running as this flight would have been a great test of range for my location!


          I posted too soon! NZTU1 got a lock on her about 100kms south east of the bottom of the SI.


            Yep, have been on the page a few times when I've seen it skip the bottom of the country and amazed at how far his antenna up the hill gets south.

            I now have my Beast back installed after a bit of an apparent bug and a trip around the world (which made it appear deaf, seems DIP switch settings were being ignored) so now appear more active due to the speed of its decoding. YAY!

            Interestingly into CHC we had MAS(cargo) B744 freighter in today.
            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


              I noticed the MAS plane too and also a French Airforce plane similar to the C130 I see all the time coming and going to the Antactic; wish they had adsb. I am using a Beast now, donated by a rival company and so am mostly on Planeplotter as my primary radar. ADSBScope can't be used alongside PP as they both need the same com port. Pity, as I enjoyed AdsbScope. Need two computers with a splitter on the antenna to use both.


                Casa 235M from french airforce

                You can run both on 1 pc using virtual com ports, but it requires some tinkling using hub2com and com0com
                Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                  BTW pete, if you don't like the standard look of PP is its kind of customisable using BaseStation outline files..ppdec.jpg

                  Sing out if you want me to attach the ones I used anywhere for use.

                  If I zoom in I also see the runways and terminal with landing markers

                  You can see there Im Running SBSPopulate, this fills in the gaps when I get new aircraft like the BizJets overhead that I have not seen before. ModeS logger for the Mil AC, FR24 in the taskbar, and planefinder getting data from PP direct (and the other PP users around for Mlat)

                  ADSMysql is dumping the data into a SQL database for logging data and displaying all fancy like.
                  Last edited by Oblivian; 2012-12-29, 07:55.
                  Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                    Thnks for your advice, but with my lack of computer skills I am afraid I must be content with one or the other and I have been asked to use PP . I think QF27 passed below NZ today well out of my range. I can usually tell by its angle leaving Sydney whether I can get a handle on it. Here is a print screen of my two best QF 27's Two santiagos 2.jpg


                      Originally posted by Petenz View Post
                      I think QF27 passed below NZ today well out of my range. I can usually tell by its angle leaving Sydney whether I can get a handle on it.
                      Hi Petenz. will give you a fairly accurate plot. I hope to be able to catch her on days like this once I get my dongle in the post :-)


                        Originally posted by Petenz View Post
                        Thnks for your advice, but with my lack of computer skills I am afraid I must be content with one or the other and I have been asked to use PP . [ATTACH=CONFIG]1732[/ATTACH]
                        No problem there, running 2 can be tricky. But that aside, just to clarify.. The view you see in my attachment IS planeplotter. Its also my primary application as its database control is a lot nicer.

                        It's just a different more stylish look by putting some outline files in one of the folders it uses (C:\COAA\planeplotter\chart files) instead of their world globe plugins (which if you ask me are a little lacking). So if you perfer that sort of look over the standard one it comes with its very easy to change by adding some .out files and we're more than happy to assist.

                        In my (and many others setup) Planeplotter receives the data, Uploads to planefinder (default) and then passes the data out on a local port 30003 where everything else is able to use the leftover data.

                        Heres another view with the local airport window up where you can see the outlines and landing VOR, when planes fly over that area they also plot on the minimap.

                        So yeah, don't be sad you have to use PP over adsbscope. It can be made to look good too

                        Theres also one I had after the beast was fixed (damn software dip switch settings being ignored) with QF passing near wellington, and the BizJet that flew into ZQN plotted well past wlg. Love the high fliers. Longest range with usable data is now about 190nm with this nicer weather, YEHHAA!!!
                        Last edited by Oblivian; 2012-12-29, 08:34.
                        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                          Well you have given me a lot to think about. I wish I was able to understand everything in PP but I am no genius. How do you get Country flags and Company logos too; my aircraft view is very plain , mostly black and white. I am impressed with your ranges north; are they all your Beast or shared as well. I am able to pick up snatches of contrails well up into the North Is, but am unsure if I am just seeing someone elses contacts, such as Dk and Ft. Wonder if you can zoom the Vignette windowto untangle the contrils over ChCh.


                            Thats all my own stuff on my DIY antenna and LMR400. And no prediction either so the tracks dont over-run and lie.

                            (Ft is also me BTW)

                            country flags, for a start you can download those and pull them from the SBSResources files.

                            Then make a folder under c:\program files\coaa\planeplotter called BMPFLags and put them in that, then you make sure there is a bsflags.txt in the planeplotter folder and all the references in it are pointing to that directory. Done. (may need to change the aircraft list to show flags too)

                            Similar for logos. They go in SQBOpFlags on mine, but you also have to edit your database effectively to reflect the operator codes.


                            You woulda seen a new HEX today too.. certain new AT76
                            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                              Sorry didn't see the new HEX but probably on NZM21 just arrived in ChCh. Thanks for the info on Flags. Papa Golf Alpha went to my 225 range at FL 450; wonderful, over high mountains too. Nice to know you are Ft; do you know who Dk and Ph is/are? and where they are? I have a light blue contrail and so if I see that colour contrail does it follow that my receiver is picking up a signal there? The wee scratches in blue are they occasional signals to my receiver?


                                Nope, new hex was C8200A - ZK-MVB as SXI1288 about 1125.

                                Not sure that Dk is also on here, think Ph might be NBD out at woodend. One of them is wellington based and has epic range.

                                Depends on your settings in PP if it drops the AC fast, or guesses their path. Attached is my settings:


                                Omit/Delete means it keeps the list current
                                Perm trails leaves them behind until you refresh screen (good for seeing true range)
                                Take off predict positions as it will fake your actual distance by guessing the path for the same time the omit is set to once signal is lost.
                                I have contrails on shared data (from others) off, so they appear but dont leave trails and the length is made so it plots lots in the short space of time.

                                If you also go into conditional expressions, alert expressions and put in user tag equal to "new" it will popup anything you have not seen before (as long as your dbase is setup right and set to flag new contacts as new)
                                Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers

