Originally posted by 41south
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New Zealand Radar
I have contemplated it. I can get northern ground info from 15odd KMs away. But not solid, usually from 200ft. A yagi would fix that quicksmart.
But as it stands I was worried my antenna pole would blow over last night. We had 70K winds in the burbs (140 up the hill) and not really easy to drop down to see if I can get the balloon back online for a whilePosts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers
I just realised the YouTube video I posted was prison break and not NASA's close up launch video. Mybad. Clearly had wrong link in cache.
But there is a nice close video From the lunch
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Last edited by Oblivian; 2016-05-23, 01:19.Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers
Well we've missed it this time around. The point on the Nullschool map is location at 0915hrs Tue NZDT. So possibly it may keep on circling and move off. We can only hope.
Maybe its just me, but the fr24 premium feed on 3 separate devices has stopped displaying Mlat planes. It was working 100% not too long ago.
I'm hearing planes flying overhead that are not displayed, and can see them in the list on virtual radar ( off NZPP4 ). All full ADSB planes are displaying ok.
Thanks, Graham.