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  • #31
    Originally posted by rzepa10 View Post
    Can you make any youtube movie to show how it works ? And is there any chance to see option like "pointing phone to the plane on the sky and automaticly app will tell us what is this plane with small thumbnail?"
    Have made a movie of app and uploaded it to youtube. Have a look at
    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

    Hope to get access to FR24 data to make this app to work in whole europe.



    • #32
      The official Flightradar24 app has been uploaded to Apple. It normally takes 3-10 days to approve an app, so I hope it will be available later this week.
      There will be 2 apps, 'FlightRadar24 Free' and 'FlightRadar24 Pro'. The Free version will be free and the Pro version will cost 6 USD.
      The free app will show all planes in real time. But on click it will only show callsign.
      The pro app will show all planes in real time. On click it will show full plane and route info (same as
      The pro version will also include filters.
      Remember that this is version 1 of the app, so there may still be lots of bugs. There are lots of people asking for this app every day, so we have decided to release this version that may contain bugs, and we will release an update with the bugs fixed in the next weeks.
      The FlightRadar24 app should work on any iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad but it hasn't been tested on all devices.
      We are also working on an Android app, but it's still to early the give a date when it will be ready.


      • #33
        This option "pointing to the sky", is great I think you should work together to make this avaible in final version. Hope to see andorid version soon


        • #34
          "point to sky" will be included sometime in the future. It will not work on phones without compass, like iPhone 3G.


          • #35
            iPhone 3g was two years ago, In new phone it wan't be any special features anyway this option should make more peaople buy Pro version.


            • #36
              Please could someone post when it is available in the app store. I really hope it will be available in Europe. I am defiantly up for the pro version when its available


              • #37
                i think the guys who share there radar must get a free copy ;-)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by stm44ae View Post
                  i think the guys who share there radar must get a free copy ;-)
                  I think so too, but it's not possible to arrange that in a simple way. So i will have to buy the app just like all others.


                  • #39
                    Due too a small technical issue, Apple has not accepted the Pro app. We will make the correction tomorrow, and submit again.
                    Still no info about the free app.


                    • #40
                      Worth Waiting for I'm sure!


                      • #41
                        I don't have an Iphone myself, but reports say that the free app is out now

                        Search for flightradar24 in appstore and download.
                        As I wrote before, there are lots of bugs and we will fix them in updates in near time.


                        • #42
                          The (free) app works well .. smooth and quick. As you only can see tne callsign, there isn't too much that can go wrong anyway ... :lol:
                          Radarstation KGVL


                          • #43
                            We thought so too, but there are lots of things that can go wrong. We were actually ready 4-5 weeks ago, but iOS4 + iPhone 3G showed up to be a really bad combination. The old iPhone 3G has a slow CPU and very small amount of memory available after iOS4 upgrade. That makes it impossible to show more than 500 plans, and FR24 often have up to 1100 planes on map. There is also sometimes a problem with showing planes without direction (transponder error), they show up in 0 degrees direction instead of (?). Another problem is that planes making a fast turn can continue straight forward on the map sometimes.


                            • #44
                              How is the pro version coming along. When did you re submit it?


                              • #45

                                What about the pro app.
                                Cant wait anymore

                                Do you know how pricy it will be ?

                                Planefinder HD Pro costs 6 Euro (about $7)
                                Which is i think too much for that kind of application.

                                Can you tell what price your PRO app will be ?


