Hi to all flight lovers
since twoo days my fr24fedd fails at same time ... always am 06h00 morning , i feed flightware an pf, i have checked and all works fine for other feeders only for fr24 fails, strange for my is the exactly time ever 06h00... whats happened at 06h00? luckly i can my rpi outside my lan check and restart service... but that fail at same time are make me crazy about...
screenshot-www.flightradar24.com 2015-12-16 20-30-52.png
some ideas are welcome
thanks in advanced
since twoo days my fr24fedd fails at same time ... always am 06h00 morning , i feed flightware an pf, i have checked and all works fine for other feeders only for fr24 fails, strange for my is the exactly time ever 06h00... whats happened at 06h00? luckly i can my rpi outside my lan check and restart service... but that fail at same time are make me crazy about...
screenshot-www.flightradar24.com 2015-12-16 20-30-52.png
some ideas are welcome
thanks in advanced