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      FR24 Feeder problem ( Raspyberry PI )

      Hi Guys,

      i have an Problem with the Feed, Dump1090 works fine on the :8080.
      The Feeder canīt Track Aircrafts ( Aircraft Tracked:
      (ModeS & ADS-B):
      Flightradar24 Feed Status Site:

      FR24 Link:
      Connected via UDP
      FR24 Radar Code:
      Local IP(s): 2001:16b8:6053:dd00:9fb9:28b6:89dd:1f46
      Aircraft Tracked:
      (ModeS & ADS-B)
      Aircraft Uploaded:
      dvbt, Connected

      Raspberry PI FR24 Feed Status
      pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo fr24feed-status
      [ ok ] FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process: running.
      [ ok ] FR24 Stats Timestamp: 2018-06-13 20:36:19.
      [ ok ] FR24 Link: connected [UDP].
      [ ok ] FR24 Radar: T-EDVE94.
      [ ok ] FR24 Tracked AC:.
      [FAIL] Receiver: down ... failed!
      [FAIL] FR24 MLAT: not running ... failed!

      I need some help...


        Originally posted by marcel2351 View Post
        Hi Guys,

        i have an Problem with the Feed, Dump1090 works fine on the :8080.
        The Feeder canīt Track Aircrafts ( Aircraft Tracked:
        (ModeS & ADS-B):
        Flightradar24 Feed Status Site:

        FR24 Link:
        Connected via UDP
        FR24 Radar Code:
        Local IP(s): 2001:16b8:6053:dd00:9fb9:28b6:89dd:1f46
        Aircraft Tracked:
        (ModeS & ADS-B)
        Aircraft Uploaded:
        dvbt, Connected

        Raspberry PI FR24 Feed Status
        pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo fr24feed-status
        [ ok ] FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process: running.
        [ ok ] FR24 Stats Timestamp: 2018-06-13 20:36:19.
        [ ok ] FR24 Link: connected [UDP].
        [ ok ] FR24 Radar: T-EDVE94.
        [ ok ] FR24 Tracked AC:.
        [FAIL] Receiver: down ... failed!
        [FAIL] FR24 MLAT: not running ... failed!

        I need some help...
        If you HAD dump1090 installed on its own before update or changed feed type to 'DVBT' and then restarted, then that is why. It force installs its own copy and changes settings to start it again (when it already is) so fails

        Change feed type to BeastTCP:30005/AVRTCP:30002 and see if connects

        Else run the normal 'status checks' commands to see what is running on a fresh start and adjust accordingly
        Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many
        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


          Thank you, but i have a new problem.

          When i will use ssh and use the Setup wizzard fr24feed --singup i have the follow error:

          Validating email/location information...[e]Could not connect to, errno: 101
          Got no response or empty response from the server

          The Sharing Key and Email are correctly, Dump1090 ( v1.15~dev) works fine.


            I have same issue on previously working setup, Suddenly i get:

            Validating email/location information...[e]Could not connect to, errno: 101
            Got no response or empty response from the server :(
            The Sharing Key and Email are correctly, Dump1090 ( v1.15~dev) works fine.[/QUOTE]
            I'm having same issue on a previously working setup, suddenly[main][i]FR24 Feeder/Decoder
            [main][i]Version: 1.0.19-15/generic
            [main][i]Built on Feb  6 2018 09:19:16 (HEAD-0bb4994.git/Linux/static_arm)
            [main][i]Running on: raspbian9
            [main][i]Local IP(s): {IP's Removed}
            [main][i]Copyright 2012-2018 Flightradar24 AB
            [main][i]DNS mode: PING
            [main][i]Automatic updates are ENABLED
            [main][i]Reader thread started
            [main][i]MLAT data feed started
            [reader][i]Initializing reader
            [reader][i]Connecting to AVR-TCP receiver via (avr-tcp://
            [master][i]Starting processing thread
            [mlat][i]Waiting for MLAT configuration
            [httpd][i]Server started, listening on
            [reader][i]Connected to the receiver, configuring
            [reader][i]Configured, processing messages
            [reader][w]Setting new UTC offset: 0!
            [time][i]Synchronizing time via NTP
            [time][i]Time synchronized correctly, offset +0.0002 seconds
            [main][i]Feed Network client started
            [feed][i]Downloading configuration
            [e]Could not connect to, errno: 101
            [e]Could not retrieve configuration from Flightradar24
            [feed][i]Failed on start, Sleeping 120 seconds
            [feed][i]Downloading configuration
            [e]Could not connect to, errno: 101
            [e]Could not retrieve configuration from Flightradar24
            [feed][i]Failed on start, Sleeping 120 seconds
             won't connect.


              If you hadnt worked it out my the 3 other new or resurrected threads. There's an obvious issue
              Sit back and let it go till they officially acknowledge

              Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
              Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                And if you needed any more proof (still zapping new threads asking without checking first...)

                [feed][i]sent 4,0 AC
                send - failed to send 12 + 260 bytes in mode 0, code -1: No error
                [feed][i]sent 4,0 AC
                [feed][n]waiting 8 seconds
                2018-06-15 23:01:03.955+12:00 | 2056 | warning | aircraft send failed with code
                -1, meta length 4

                [bs][i]New client connected
                [bs][i]Client disconnected, 1 left
                Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                  Just to let you know. Had a look. Seems to be ipv6 related. Disabled ipv6 and all connected. Something went wrong on DNS lookup for a PTR.

                  not had change to dig into further, but maybe same for all.

                  I disabled ipv6 with this command if you want to try

                  sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1


                    Yup ran the disable and am now up and running


                      Unfortunately it is more than that I think. I disabled ipv6 without any change.
                      Look at this thread:


                        Same here in Canada.

                        Last night I made a fresh install (Raspbian Stretch + dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev + fr24feed). The fr24feed-status showed feed failure.
                        [FAIL] FR24 Link: unknown ... failed!

                        Thanks to tech007 for his post #24 and post #893, I fixed it by following command given by him.

                        sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
                        Last edited by abcd567; 2018-06-16, 14:04.


                          Originally posted by abcd567 View Post
                          Same here in Canada.

                          Last night I made a fresh install (Raspbian Stretch + dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev + fr24feed). The fr24feed-status showed feed failure.
                          [FAIL] FR24 Link: unknown ... failed!

                          Thanks to tech007 for his post #24[/b][/url] and post #893[/url], I fixed it by following command given by him.

                          sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
                          Thank you, now i have a Connection


                            FYI, I too have run into connection issues, which might be related to IPv6, which is strange as I have a full IPv6-enabled network at home, and the connection would work the same via IPv4 or IPv6. Go figure.

                            Nonetheless, it was clear that the issue was related to IPv6 when I decided to create a simple hack which would force IPv4-only connections, of a very different kind than blocking completely IPv6 (which I DON'T want to do!) and neither changing the configuration of the getaddrinfo config file /etc/gai.conf.

                            The hack consists of fixing the IP address of the initial connection to and its CloudFlare counterpart to a fixed IPv4 address, which will take precedence over a DNS-resolved IP address.

                            Here is what I added in /etc/hosts:

                            # hack to fix the IPv6 issue with ( - solved on 2018-08-25


                            Obviously I now have a fixed IP address and not a dynamic one out of a pool, and if FR24 someday decides to change the IP address of the feed, I will need to modify it by hand.

                            By doing this I was able to make my newly refreshed RasPi 3, which used to run Jessie and now runs Stretch, work again after the dist-upgrade which crippled fr24feed.

                            Bye, Luca


                              Anyone managed to stop the latest rendition auto update check unless you manually do.

                              Something seems to kill internal webserver and clients connections at about midnight UTC every couple of days for me.

                              Made the no execution as located elsewhere but something still is.

                              Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
                              Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                                Happy to reply to myself on this thread which just was made active again, albeit on another topic, with an update on my workaround regarding IPv6.

                                I went back to my configuration, which I had changed back in August 2018, and tested again IPv6 which right now seems to be working fine, so I removed the /etc/hosts workaround and now my machine is happily feeding FR24 over IPv6.

                                Not sure about the problem raised by @Oblivian, I am not seeing that kind of behaviour.

                                Bye, Luca

