Ditch the --s. Per example on the right side, they are meant to be ignored but may not be in later version.
Just run it via
sudo service fr24feed stop
sudo fr24feed start
then keep an eye on the startup log. Cancel with CTRL-Z and then turn it on as service again sudo service fr24feed start
Should see it appear in startup log and being passed to Dump1090. BUT, by the look of that it may be running separately - if you install dump1090 from FAfeed or other method the additional options may be ignored, youll need to reconfigure Dump1090
using sudo dpgk dump1090 --reconfigure (I think)
Most those additionals are only passed if you configure as DVBT where it has full control. using 30002 indicates you got it running external to FR24feed
Just run it via
sudo service fr24feed stop
sudo fr24feed start
then keep an eye on the startup log. Cancel with CTRL-Z and then turn it on as service again sudo service fr24feed start
Should see it appear in startup log and being passed to Dump1090. BUT, by the look of that it may be running separately - if you install dump1090 from FAfeed or other method the additional options may be ignored, youll need to reconfigure Dump1090
using sudo dpgk dump1090 --reconfigure (I think)
Most those additionals are only passed if you configure as DVBT where it has full control. using 30002 indicates you got it running external to FR24feed