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Raspberry Pi type B + DVB-T Dongle to feed FR24

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    Originally posted by delcomp View Post
    I would think,. That entering which Ports for what,..

    Would be a big help to new reader of the Forum.

    As this is a big question that is often asked on Chat,.

    And not having a PI Stick,. I cannot help them
    If they are running a DVBT stick. It's irrelevant.

    The port setting only comes in to play with some advanced options, or when it detects FlightFeeder or Dump1090 already running. In which case it helps during setup.

    Just tell people. If you choose DVBT. Port doesn't matter
    If they have something different setup for whatever reason. Point them here
    Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many

    There is already a port section there for common apps
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


      Rgr ,.. Tks Craig...
      (F-EDLE1)delcomp-DEL-David Tks(My friend Mike, all three of them)

      1090SJ(Ae) /(6m. Ecoflex10) / SBS 3 /-FR24 Box/ Power-line Connection (Ethernet)


        So, I'm running up against some issues attempting to get my RTL2832 dongle up and running with my Raspberry Pi 3.

        Starting from a brand new Pi, brand new SD card, installed Raspian, built all the packages for dump1090, everything appeared to work just fine.

        Went to run dump1090 and received this:

        pi@raspberrypi:~/dump1090 $ ./dump1090 --interactive
        Found 1 device(s):
        0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 (currently selected)
        usb_claim_interface error -6
        Error opening the RTLSDR device: Device or resource busy

        Then, playing around I discovered if I unplug the dongle, plug it back in, and immediately run the "./dump1090 --interactive", dump1090 will fire right up and I'll start getting data!

        Read somewhere that issues can occur when not using a powered USB Hub, so figured that maybe the dongle isn't getting enough power or something.
        -Went out and got a powered hub, problem persisted.

        Checked my blacklist files, and the typical culprits are in there.

        Then, I tried a second RTL dongle that I had laying around and had converted to a BNC connector for another project, and had the same I'm confident that it's not the dongle.

        So, needless to say I'm at a loss. It doesn't help that my linux knowledge is about a 3/10.

        Planning on mounting this setup outside near my antenna, and really need something that I don't have to physically mess with too much.

        Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


          Originally posted by neppo1345 View Post
          So, I'm running up against some issues attempting to get my RTL2832 dongle up and running with my Raspberry Pi 3.

          Starting from a brand new Pi, brand new SD card, installed Raspian, built all the packages for dump1090, everything appeared to work just fine.

          Went to run dump1090 and received this:

          pi@raspberrypi:~/dump1090 $ ./dump1090 --interactive
          Found 1 device(s):
          0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 (currently selected)
          usb_claim_interface error -6
          Error opening the RTLSDR device: Device or resource busy

          Then, playing around I discovered if I unplug the dongle, plug it back in, and immediately run the "./dump1090 --interactive", dump1090 will fire right up and I'll start getting data!

          Read somewhere that issues can occur when not using a powered USB Hub, so figured that maybe the dongle isn't getting enough power or something.
          -Went out and got a powered hub, problem persisted.

          Checked my blacklist files, and the typical culprits are in there.

          Then, I tried a second RTL dongle that I had laying around and had converted to a BNC connector for another project, and had the same I'm confident that it's not the dongle.

          So, needless to say I'm at a loss. It doesn't help that my linux knowledge is about a 3/10.

          Planning on mounting this setup outside near my antenna, and really need something that I don't have to physically mess with too much.

          Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
          If you installed the feeder package and chose DVBT, its already stolen the device. You also can't use --interactive as it doesn't allow connection as the output is sent to screen instead.

          I'd suggest taking a bit of a read..
          Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many
          Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


            what version of raspbian do you have? i had the same problem for long time ago, but since i upgrade rpi to new pixel the problem was solved.

            Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk


              Thanks Oblivian, your post tipped me in the right direction. I was able to figure it out; everything is up and running!

              During the install I had installed an instance of dump1090-FA (I thought I had uninstalled it once I realized that it was Flight Aware specific...alas I had not). It was running in the background and stealing the dongle.

              I've had it up and running in its enclosure for a day now (to keep an eye on temps in the sealed enclosure). Hopefully this week I'll get the antenna built, get the feed up and running to Flight Radar, then get everything mounted up on the roof.


                I'm using the Pi24 image, and when I'm running 'fr24feed' I get the following error:

                Please fix the device permissions, e.g. by installing the udev rules file rtl-sdr.rules
                Error opening the RTLSDR device: Permission denied

                Tried adding:
                SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2838", MODE:="0666"
                to /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules.

                blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
                blacklist e4000
                blacklist rtl2832
                blacklist rtl2838
                blacklist RTL2838UHIDIR
                to /etc/modprobe.d/rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf

                Any ideas?
                Last edited by thehague; 2017-08-24, 22:55.


                  Originally posted by thehague View Post
                  I'm using the Pi24 image, and when I'm running 'fr24feed' I get the following error:

                  Please fix the device permissions, e.g. by installing the udev rules file rtl-sdr.rules
                  Error opening the RTLSDR device: Permission denied

                  Tried adding:
                  SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2838", MODE:="0666"
                  to /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules.

                  lacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
                  blacklist e4000
                  blacklist rtl2832
                  blacklist rtl2838
                  blacklist RTL2838UHIDIR
                  to /etc/modprobe.d/rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf

                  Any ideas?
                  Never had to add the vendor specifics to the file. Only the un-blacklist.

                  Including SUDO infront of each command? else its normal user and wont have high access
                  sudo fr24feed start
                  Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                    Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
                    Never had to add the vendor specifics to the file. Only the un-blacklist.

                    Including SUDO infront of each command? else its normal user and wont have high access
                    sudo fr24feed start
                    Yup, tried it with sudo.



                      #open file rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf for editing
                      sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf
                      #add the following 2 lines to above file:
                      blacklist dvb_usb_rtl2832u
                      blacklist dvb_usb
                      #save file, exit and reboot
                      sudo reboot


                        Hi all, I've installed software on my raspberry and put usb dvb-t dongle and on ssh it seems to be working. Fr24feed shows something like this:

                        And on service fr24feed i am seeing this:

                        On the site it is still offline and no plane was updated so far.

                        I am using raspberry pi3 b and a "not only tv" dvb-t usb dongle and stock antenna outside my apartment.

                        Any help would be nice becouse i dont know what i am doing wrong


                          Originally posted by Laggeros View Post
                          Hi all, I've installed software on my raspberry and put usb dvb-t dongle and on ssh it seems to be working. Fr24feed shows something like this:

                          And on service fr24feed i am seeing this:

                          On the site it is still offline and no plane was updated so far.

                          I am using raspberry pi3 b and a "not only tv" dvb-t usb dongle and stock antenna outside my apartment.

                          Any help would be nice becouse i dont know what i am doing wrong
                          Check the log file with tail -f /var/log/fr24feed.log. This will provide more info.


                            Originally posted by Khan View Post
                            Check the log file with tail -f /var/log/fr24feed.log. This will provide more info.
                            I've got something like this



                              Originally posted by Laggeros View Post
                              I've got something like this

                              These pings suggest that your receiver might not be receiving any signal. Can you move your antenna to a better spot, preferably outside?


                                Originally posted by Khan View Post
                                These pings suggest that your receiver might not be receiving any signal. Can you move your antenna to a better spot, preferably outside?
                                It is outside and i live near an airport and planes are really close so i dont know what is the problem.
                                But is the sofware and Raspberry working properly?
                                Last edited by Laggeros; 2017-08-25, 15:19.

