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Raspberry Pi type B + DVB-T Dongle to feed FR24

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    You dont have to stop FR24 to see Google map. They can exist simoultaneously.

    All you have to do is to run command "./dump1090 --net" and leave the console running.


      I have tried that but get error if I don't stop the feed first :-
      ./dump1090 --net --net-http-port 8080
      Found 1 device(s):
      0: Generic, RTL2832U, SN: 77771111153705700 (currently selected)

      Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of librtlsdr.
      In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel module
      (dvb_usb_rtl28xxu), or enable automatic detaching at compile time.

      usb_claim_interface error -6
      Error opening the RTLSDR device: Device or resource busy

      Is this because mr-dump1090 and dump1090 are separate programs and of course the receiver cannot be controlled by both at the same time?


        Your error message says:
        "Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of librtlsdr.
        In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel module
        , or enable automatic detaching at compile time.
        Blacklist the kernel module using procedure below:

        1. Give following commands to create a blank blacklist file in folder " /etc/modprobe.d ":

        cd /etc/modprobe.d
        sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf
        The blacklist file rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf will be created and opened in console (nano editor)

        2. Type (or copy-paste) following lines in the blank blacklist file & save (Ctrl+O) the file.

        blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
        blacklist e4000
        blacklist rtl2832
        3. REBOOT

        4. To enable display of planes on Google Map in a Browser, give following command in console:

        cd dump1090
        ./dump1090 --interactive --net --net-http-port 8080
        Last edited by abcd567; 2015-01-25, 17:13.


          Originally posted by JoopT View Post
          Hi abcd567,
          .....I didn't know where I filled some wrong items in configuring the FR24FEED utility but ... I will monitor this forum on a almost daily base the next time so I can learn more about FR24 items.
          Thank you very much so far!!!

          I got my first Pi only 2 weeks ago, and did not know anything about RPi. I knew some Linux, but forgot whatever little I knew due to disuse for a long period.

          I struggled to find out how to put RPi into successful data feeding. I had zero knowledge. I made lot of mistakes. Some I found solution easily, and some could not. When I did not understand what mistake I made, I started over again from zero!

          I have formatted my 8 GB microSD card at least half a dozen times , then half a dozen times reinstalled NOOBS/Raspbian, then Dump1090, then FR24 client, then FlightAware client. Whatever I learned from past mistakes, I carefully avoided those in new install. So there was an improvement with every new install .

          I have also another 8 GB microSD card, which I have 3 times formatted & 3 times installed PiAware+FR24 feeder

          So I am on a steep learning curve since last two weeks!!!!

          As the saying goes "Practice makes a man perfect"
          Last edited by abcd567; 2015-01-25, 19:49.


            I created that conf file during the original installation and checking it again now I see it has exactly the entries you suggest.
            You didn't comment on:-

            "usb_claim_interface error -6
            Error opening the RTLSDR device: Device or resource busy"

            Is this because I am running mr-dump1090 and not dump1090 and they are separate programs and of course the receiver cannot be controlled by both at the same time?

            Just found which is excellent and works beautifully - just needed to turn bs back on.
            Last edited by Scroggie; 2015-01-25, 21:13.


              I got exactly same error as you. Please see my error message below:

              Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel (dvb_usb_rtl28xxu), or enable automatic detaching at compile time usb_claim_interface error -6 Error opening the RTLSDR device: Device or resource busy
              After creating erro file and reboot, error stopped. I dont know why in your case it is not stopping.

              I am not an expert of RPi or Linux. I started at zero level two weeks ago, and still learning.

              I suggest you post your problem to another forum with better expertise:

              Alternatively try a fresh install - format your microSD card, and install Raspbian, rtl-sdr driver, dump1090, and FR24 feed. During last two weeks, I have done this half a dozen times on my microSD card #1(NOOBS/Raspbian), and 3 times on my microSD card #2 (PiAware)
              Last edited by abcd567; 2015-01-25, 22:33.


                Originally posted by Scroggie View Post
                Just found which is excellent and works beautifully - just needed to turn bs back on.
                I have been using VRS for a long time. Until up to about 6 months ago, it did not plot max range and was more or less like dump1090. Six month ago max range plotting was added, but if the program was closed, it did not save range data and when restarted it started plotring from scratch. Only recently functionality to save data was added. It is very good now. I use it for trial run and comparision of my antennas. Before 6 months I used adsbScope for this purpose.


                  if your program is crashing with an error it may well be still connected to the dongle, you need to kill all instances of dump1090.


                    Thank you abcd567. I've recently picked up an RPi, DVB-T Dongle and today have successfully started feeding to FR24. Your posts and links were very helpful. Now onto the antenna....
                    T-NZNR3: R820T2 DVB-T/RPi


                      Originally posted by SpaxmoidJAm View Post
                      if your program is crashing with an error it may well be still connected to the dongle, you need to kill all instances of dump1090.
                      The easiest way to do this (for a non-expert Linux newbie like me ) is a fresh install of everything, though it takes some effort & time but less headache for a Linux newbie like me.

                      That is what I have suggested to Scroggie in my post #1040, relevant portion of which I am quoting below:

                      Alternatively try a fresh install - format your microSD card, and install Raspbian, rtl-sdr driver, dump1090, and FR24 feed. During last two weeks, I have done this half a dozen times on my microSD card #1(NOOBS/Raspbian), and 3 times on my microSD card #2 (PiAware)


                        Originally posted by Westgate View Post
                        Thank you abcd567. I've recently picked up an RPi, DVB-T Dongle and today have successfully started feeding to FR24. Your posts and links were very helpful. Now onto the antenna....
                        You are welcome. I am not an expert. I got my first RPi only 2 weeks ago. I had no knowledge of RPi and had very little knowledge of Linux. I have forgotten even this little knowledge of Linux due to many many years of its disuse. I decided to simply take a plunge into unknown ocean of RPi & Linux.

                        Initially I faced lot of problems finding all information, so I decided to post in this forum whatever I learned in these 2 weeks, so that other new comers like me don't have to struggle through the maze of web pages containing information about RPi, Raspbian, Dump1090, and Data Feeder. Linux and it's console commands are another horrifying thing for newbies.


                          Originally posted by abcd567 View Post
                          I got my first Pi only 2 weeks ago, and did not know anything about RPi. I knew some Linux, but forgot whatever little I knew due to disuse for a long period.

                          I struggled to find out how to put RPi into successful data feeding. I had zero knowledge. I made lot of mistakes. Some I found solution easily, and some could not. When I did not understand what mistake I made, I started over again from zero!

                          I have formatted my 8 GB microSD card at least half a dozen times , then half a dozen times reinstalled NOOBS/Raspbian, then Dump1090, then FR24 client, then FlightAware client. Whatever I learned from past mistakes, I carefully avoided those in new install. So there was an improvement with every new install .

                          I have also another 8 GB microSD card, which I have 3 times formatted & 3 times installed PiAware+FR24 feeder

                          So I am on a steep learning curve since last two weeks!!!!

                          As the saying goes "Practice makes a man perfect"
                          Everything seems to run well...!!!

                          I did a service fr24feed status command and received this output:

                          pi@raspberrypib ~ $ service fr24feed status
                          [ ok ] FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process: running.
                          [ ok ] FR24 Stats Timestamp: 2015-01-26 16:28:52.
                          [ ok ] FR24 Link: connected [UDP].
                          [ ok ] FR24 Radar: T-EHLW21.
                          [ ok ] FR24 Tracked AC: 30.
                          [ ok ] Receiver: connected (12710731 MSGS/0 SYNC).
                          pi@raspberrypib ~ $

                          Do you know what this means??? (12710731 MSGS/0 SYNC)
                          I mean the 12710731 en the zero ???



                            Originally posted by Scroggie View Post
                            .......The main use for it will be if I experiment with a different antenna to get an idea if the changes improve the overall coverage. The coverage I have now is pretty good, restricted only by the hills to the west of me - just 120 nm in that direction compared to 260 nm to the East over the North Sea. I don't know what others achieve with a similar installation but I'm very satisfied with what is a very basic setup.
                            Originally posted by Scroggie View Post
                            Just found which is excellent and works beautifully - just needed to turn bs back on.
                            260 nm is very good.
                            See what I got with my two antennas (without amplifier & 5 meters/15 feet RG6 coax) in my post #2029 (click here to see) in the thread "Best Antenna".

                            Edit: My range curve is filled with spike-like sharp drops in range due to several tall buildings around my buliding (I live in an apartment and my antennas are indoor). Almost 180 degrees on north west are blocked by my own building.

                            If it is ok with you, it will be nice if you post details & photos of antennas you are experimenting with, in the "best antenna" forum?
                            Last edited by abcd567; 2015-01-27, 00:18.



                              Receiver: connected (12710731 MSGS/0 SYNC).

                              12710731 MSGS = Total number of messages received by FR24 Data Feeder (since start of FR24 Feeder) from Dump1090. The dump1090 received these from your antenna+DVB-T Dongle and processed these and passed to FR24 data feeder.

                              0 SYNC = I am not sure, this is only a guess: Either position synchronization (no GPS), or time synchronization, or both are not there, hence 0 SYNC


                                Mr abcd567, do you find any advantage in using the PIaware distribution and then putting fr24 on top?

                                I have the standard raspian distribution with fr24 on it, and want to add PIaware. Just wondered if I should delete everything and start from scratch with their own PIaware distribution and add fr24 on top, or just add PIaware to what I have now..

                                Not sure if there's any performance advantage using their install..

                                Hope that made sense.. :-/
                                toString - London, UK
                                FR24 - T-EGLC55 / PiAware - toString / PlaneFinder - 9008
                                Raspberry Pi B+ | Keedox DVB-T USB RTL-SDR [RTL2832U+R820T] | Stock Antenna

