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Raspberry Pi type B + DVB-T Dongle to feed FR24

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  • if on your windows pc, you do

    you can see what you are recieving


    • if on your windows pc, you do

      you can see what you are receiving.

      Did you update the Fr24feed program to the current RPI version?


      • Originally posted by peterhr View Post
        if on your windows pc, you do

        you can see what you are receiving.

        Originally posted by peterhr View Post
        Did you update the Fr24feed program to the current RPI version?
        not yet

        I still have to learn to do


        • 15th July 2014 - Got a new Pi B+ ... The version of Rasparian Wheezy I'm using doesn't like it or the Pi B+ is faulty

          USB doesn't work for me

          It uses a different chip for the USB (since it has 4 USB ports and the network runs through USB too) - so it maybe a driver issue.

          I'll see what I can find about an alternate software build


          • Originally posted by peterhr View Post
            15th July 2014 - Got a new Pi B+ ... The version of Rasparian Wheezy I'm using doesn't like it or the Pi B+ is faulty

            USB doesn't work for me

            It uses a different chip for the USB (since it has 4 USB ports and the network runs through USB too) - so it maybe a driver issue.

            I'll see what I can find about an alternate software build
            Ah, a new Pi B+. 4 USB ports and better power but still same processor and RAM. Didn't know about it until you posted about it here. Hope you have some luck sorting the USB out.


            • Originally posted by North Borneo Radar View Post
              Ah, a new Pi B+. 4 USB ports and better power but still same processor and RAM. Didn't know about it until you posted about it here. Hope you have some luck sorting the USB out.
              The issue is almost certainly going to be the version of Raspbarian used doesn't have drivers for the USB chipset - probably have to switch to a different minimal install.

              The made the posting here to alert people who really keen to get going with the new Pi that there is an issue - it should be easy to sort out, but finding half a day to do it is a problem (might take a couple of weekends)


              • Hello

                What is the command to restart and shutdown raspberry?

                And if you disconnect and reconnect it immediately executes the dump in 1090 and it takes more feed or a command?


                • if you really want to shut it down do "shutdown -h now" but we don't write any files on the Pi itself or databases etc - so I just pull the power

                  It boots when power is applied.

                  the task scheduler has an instruction "@reboot sleep 5;/root/" (the semicolon says do one command then the other)

                  It also has a task in the scheduler to run one or twice a day - to shutdown dump1090 and the feeder and restart them - you get a few seconds down time (planes don't travel far in the time taken).

                  This is in the write-up.


                  • I managed it! My Raspberry Pi is feeding FR24 using petreh's document

                    Main issues I had:

                    1) rtl_test failed
                    I had to do the following: (thanks David Taylers's website)
                    In /etc/modprobe.d create a new file with sudo, named no-rtl.conf (the actual name is not important, but the .conf is).
                    cd /etc/modprobe.d
                    sudo nano no-rtl.conf
                    Add the following lines:
                    blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
                    blacklist rtl2832
                    blacklist rtl2830

                    2) WiFi dongle not working
                    changed /etc/network/interfaces to: (found some instuctions on youtube)
                    # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
                    auto lo
                    iface lo inet loopback
                    iface eth0 inet dhcp
                    auto wlan0
                    allow-hotplug wlan0
                    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
                    wpa-ssid ""
                    wpa-psk ""

                    3) cron @reboot not working
                    The RPi does nothing after booting. I changed the sleep value to 120, but still no result.
                    Help requested here!

                    4) installed the wrong feeder SW
                    I have currently fr24feed_arm-le_242s installed. Sometimes it suddenly stops. I will try the RPi version later. Hopefully the sudden crashes go away...

                    5) bash <defunc>
                    After running for some time I get more and more bash <defunc> entries in ps
                    Help requested here!

                    6) dump1090 parameters
                    What are the best dump1090 parameters. Specially the fix, no-fix, aggressive, and agc parameters I am interested in. I want to feed the ground traffic at a nearby airport. I am less interested in feeding info about planes 200 km away. There are some buildings in the line of view to the airport that makes reception of the signals difficult. Would 'aggressive' help? Unfortunately I cannot place the antenna higher.

                    Help requested here!

                    7) Testing difficult today
                    Today a plane crashed in Ukraine (MH17). FR24 is a bit overloaded. My condolences to the families that lost their relatives/friends.

                    Thanks to all for the info!
                    Last edited by Harrie45; 2014-07-17, 18:44.


                    • on 3 insert a line into the feeder that says something like

                      echo " running at $(date)" >> mylog.txt

                      on 4
                      the arm feeder spawns a zombie job every 10 minutes, the only way to clear them out is to stop the 'parent' task ... the feeder
                      if cron isn't working then the scheduled restart won't happen ... the suggestion on 3 will tell you if cron is working

                      on 2
                      ... fortunate that drivers for your dongle were present in the kernel used (I take it you didn't use the suggested minimal - since you had to blacklist the dvb and RTL drivers)


                      • Originally posted by peterhr View Post
                        on 2
                        ... fortunate that drivers for your dongle were present in the kernel used (I take it you didn't use the suggested minimal - since you had to blacklist the dvb and RTL drivers)
                        I bought the receiver dongle and antenna at the 1090 MHz shop in Germany (link on FR24 site). The DVB drivers for this dongle are now present in the OS.

                        I bought the WiFi dongle (no brand) as a package deal with the RPi.


                        • Hmm, on Eindhoven the planes mostly land at a track of 216 degrees. When the planes are on the ground they taxi in the opposite direction but the track is still 216 degrees. The location of the planes are OK. Is this a bug in the dump1090 software?


                          • I'm using the Malcolm Robb version of dump1090 (I believe) and haven't seen this problem (I switched a few things around when I tried the fr24 integrated feeder) - try the T-EGBB19 link in my sig, does it show the same problem?

                            Post up a screenshot with the items highlighted that you mention in case we don't know what you mean



                            • Output of dump1090. Looks OK.
                              Output from FR24; plane pointing to the wrong direction.
                              After some time FR24 is extrapolating giving this strange result.
                              BTW I am still using the arm-le version of the feeding SW.


                              • You do see that a lot at airports, I think it's the pilots switching the ADSB off and FR24 software trying to work out what's happened next ... maybe if the aircraft is under 100 feet in altitude they should stop extrapolating.

                                It's not a fault with your set up.

