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Aussie Feeders

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    Skytraders flying to Antarctica:


      Some of you folk are as up with the play with tinkering with hardware, local network and the FR configurations like me.

      While on holiday this week I've been neglecting other stuff and putting this together.

      Does it make sense from your perspectives? What may seem straight forward to me may not be so for others

      I see Kpin is looking at it now :P

      Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many
      Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


        Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
        Some of you folk are as up with the play with tinkering with hardware, local network and the FR configurations like me.

        While on holiday this week I've been neglecting other stuff and putting this together.

        Does it make sense from your perspectives? What may seem straight forward to me may not be so for others

        I see Kpin is looking at it now :P
        The one thing I have noticed is that when running dump1090 in standalone mode I see nearly 8x more tracks/hour than when I am using fr24feed in dvb-t mode and allowing it to fire off dump1090, also, less load on the CPU ... I can only assume that this means more positions detectable and sent to FR24/FA .. So now that MLAT will work with avr-tcp it might be worth saying "If you are more technically inclined use avr-tcp mode for improved performance" Or something like that...

        Other than that I like it, I will read over it again when I have more time and nit-pick
        Last edited by bhaal; 2016-01-30, 02:39. Reason: My brain added extra, uneeded words... (without asking first)
        T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


          Possibly different parameters thrown to D1090 when in USB mode to up the Gain or similar

          Or its a spawn in a spawn so uses a bit more resource
          Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


            Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
            Possibly different parameters thrown to D1090 when in USB mode to up the Gain or similar

            Or its a spawn in a spawn so uses a bit more resource
            Mmmm, nah, I'd say not... Have you ever started dump1090 manually and told it not to be quiet? It spews every single valid message to stdout ... And that is how fr24feed gets it's messages.. Sadly text over stdout is inherently slow as it's governed by the tty drivers, it would be different if it was being piped where it becomes more of a fifo scenario. But the way fr24feed does it, it's reliant on the speed of those tty drivers and therefore I am guessing that messages get dropped... So yeah, way more efficient to run it as a standalone. Just wish vinny etc would see that and start packaging their dump1090 to run in standalone mode, it would make their data more accurate maybe?
            T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


              Originally posted by eastons View Post
              I am under 10km from YSSY and host F-YSSY3. I get ground traffic when viewing my receiver locally on VRS and have noticed their absence on FR24. I've actually talked to FR24 about this issue before and got more than the usual generic reply:

              And then in a subsequent reply:

              This, however, was back in April 2015.

              Here's a screenshot from VRS's logs showing just one particular ground vehicle and how often it's seen on my F receiver, yet rarely/never appears on FR24:


              I wouldn't give too much weight to the radar that's listed on the site. According to the link Kpin gave, I am the number one rated FR24 feeder in Sydney with F-YSSY3, yet, often, there'll be no planes at all listed under my radar code. At other times, aircraft 400km+ away from me are shown under my radar code.

              My range plot from VRS:
              Circles are 50km each with the outermost being 450km.

              Edit: I spotted a ground vehicle at YSSY from my F- feeder on FR24, so I guess the problem's probably resolved now.
              Hi Easton!

              Yes, we emailed about this a while back, sorry for not getting back to you.

              We do however decode vehicle positions, and they should show up when we have enough data. For YSSY we just don't always get enough frames to establish ground track, and then we don't show them.

              I'll have a look if I can find another suitable location really close to the airport, we do have plenty of applications from Sydney area.


                After battling to get the SBS3 (networked) working with the newer FR24 software, I am now able to feed Sydney again. I am T-YSSY8 so you should see the ground vehicles now as I receive most, if not all ground movements at YSSY.



                  With thanks to Mark efforts and persistence, now also able to get my SBS3 to feed (T-YSSY3) to FR24 for the Sydney basin.



                    Just checking my tips thread is right, SBS configured as normal, fr24feed set to SBS and 10001. With basestation toggle on and set in software to network source on 20072?

                    Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
                    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                      Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
                      Just checking my tips thread is right, SBS configured as normal, fr24feed set to SBS and 10001. With basestation toggle on and set in software to network source on 20072?

                      Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
                      Hi there

                      No, this didn't work, so it was with host="localhost:30006"

                      Hope that is all you need.



                        So going the other way then. FR24feed connecting via network? to basestation software. With the device still on USB to basestation. So will stop feeding when you shut basestation?
                        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                          Kemistry, you having some issues? Need a hand with anything Linux in your receiver?
                          T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


                            Originally posted by QF1 View Post
                            Hi there

                            No, this didn't work, so it was with host="localhost:30006"

                            Hope that is all you need.


                            Been doing a bit of reading, Seems not only does the BS open a heap of ports now by default (30003, 30005, 30006)
                            But if you change the NVM mode to standalone it turns them on in the SBS-3 box itself too!
                            This opens a can of worms for potential configuration upsets.

                            I've just done up a page, would appreciate some verification of them if you have some time and willing to confirm for me

                            It'd help people in the long run

                            Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many

                            I'm quite prepared for a bunch of not authorised messages.
                            Seems 10001 can be heavily encrypted. But it means the manual was more confusing than first thought if FR24feed is only able to tap the secondary feeds (30006)
                            Last edited by Oblivian; 2016-02-06, 11:07.
                            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                              Originally posted by bhaal View Post
                              Kemistry, you having some issues? Need a hand with anything Linux in your receiver?
                              Thanks for concern bhaal - sorry about the interruption with production system. Need to rearrange things for some upcoming reno work.
                              Will be down for a short time while that's going on - but we seem to have plenty of YBBN cover at the moment - so shouldn't be missed much.
                              Back soon ...


                                Just a word of warning in case you have not followed other threads, some of us are seeing spam to fr24 specific not used elsewhere or in public email addresses so it seems flightradar24 has had its systems compromised.

