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Aussie Feeders

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    Originally posted by rodeo View Post
    yuuuup - had a direct strike on a palm tree next door - surprisingly, only thing it took out was any active ethernet port on my LAN - anything that had an active ethernet port, the port got zapped; took out the ethernet ports on my TV, server, an Arduino and the active ports on the LAN side of my router. Interestingly, the ADSL modem and the WAN ethernet port of the router survived !!???

    having worked in the broadcast transmission game - the only industry where you go and put a 400ft metal lightning attractor on a mountain top - I've seen some weird ass effects of a direct strike and often it doesn't matter how well you earth things - if mother nature wants to fry your piece of kit, she will !!
    lol, indeed, I recall when I did my cert course the first thing the facilitator said in relation to lightning is "_assume_ every direct strike with destroy" - even with arresters, and what survives is in your favor


      Originally posted by Ressy View Post
      We were taught to use the buildings electrical ground system, as a separate rod wont do much good due to the electrical potential rise that would occur with such high power of a strike, we put the arrestors close to equipment or where cables enter the building, not up the masts, so roof level (assuming thats where it enters the building) would be fine.
      Ahhhh, ok, so I shall now locate the current ground spike, haven't needed to look for it before. I cannot do modifications as I am rental (though it is family owned), but I am sure I can make it all work. When I move my Pi etc under the patio I will probably put the arrester in the best spot where the ground wire has best unobstructed path to the ground spike...

      Originally posted by Ressy View Post
      We have a lot of people covering YRED, but I suspect they are windows feeders or regular dump1090 users like myself, I know T 1, 27 and I think 29 and Sunny Coast 2 also sees ground or very close to it at YRED, FR24 are severely limiting themselves for only supporting mlat on pi's
      I can see down to 100ft off the deck of YRED, so that isn't why I want/need someone in that area. I want a RaspberryPi rig running there for MLAT, specifically FA MLAT so I can see on my local radar the MLAT positions.. I get positions for aircraft generally above 1500ft, but nothing lower. Which gets annoying for things like Polair2 etc.. But also helpful for other aircraft which I lose in my general area..

      Originally posted by Ressy View Post
      lol, indeed, I recall when I did my cert course the first thing the facilitator said in relation to lightning is "_assume_ every direct strike with destroy" - even with arresters, and what survives is in your favor
      With this in mind, I think I might put a couple of RJ45 arresters in place as well, one between Pi and switch at that end of the house and one on that switch's uplink... Hopefully that will help prevent things inside the house going up in smoke... But as you say it's the luck of the draw...
      T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


        Originally posted by bhaal View Post
        ... I want a RaspberryPi rig running there for MLAT, specifically FA MLAT so I can see on my local radar the MLAT positions...
        Best of luck, but please don't become one of those how cross feed FA MLAT to FR24. There are quite a few feeders that take FA MLAT resolutions and turn them in to FR24 ADS-B lookalikes


          Originally posted by bhaal View Post
          Ahhhh, ok, so I shall now locate the current ground spike, haven't needed to look for it before. I cannot do modifications as I am rental (though it is family owned), but I am sure I can make it all work. When I move my Pi etc under the patio I will probably put the arrester in the best spot where the ground wire has best unobstructed path to the ground spike...
          In a private house, it should be directly below the switch board, as for modifying it, assuming it is legal for non sparkie/telco_tech to touch it, all you can do is clamp to it, a decent electronics store (by decent I don't mean DSE/Jaycar) should be able to supply the correct copper clamp, so its not really modifying in a way that would upset landlords

          Originally posted by bhaal View Post
          I can see down to 100ft off the deck of YRED, so that isn't why I want/need someone in that area. I want a RaspberryPi rig running there for MLAT, specifically FA MLAT so I can see on my local radar the MLAT positions.. I get positions for aircraft generally above 1500ft, but nothing lower. Which gets annoying for things like Polair2 etc.. But also helpful for other aircraft which I lose in my general area..
          Maybe approach the Redcliffe aero club to host one?

          Originally posted by bhaal View Post
          With this in mind, I think I might put a couple of RJ45 arresters in place as well, one between Pi and switch at that end of the house and one on that switch's uplink... Hopefully that will help prevent things inside the house going up in smoke... But as you say it's the luck of the draw...
          Keep in mind no more than 10 metres from arrestor to ground point (for max protection no more than 1.5 metres from arrester), if your grounding at the other end of the house where pi is, you got me thinking, it seems for telecomms (hey, its still S/UTP - we can use an additional electrode, but it must be looped back to original electrode, unfortunately it refers me to AS/NZS 3000 for requirements and more details, and I dont have a copy of that standard since its for sparkies, probably forgot about it since its a lot of work and we mostly protect near the equipment anyway (I've never seen any tech install a second electrode either), and in the radio world, there's a common cable entry point in the comms room, that's usually 8ft from ground, with a common link bar for us to latch to that sparkies put in off the switchboard earth.

          So, if its other side of house, I think I'd only be concerned with protecting it near the switch, which I assume is close to where you'll install your common terminal (only run one earthing wire/clamp to the powered earth) - use a communications earth terminal to connect it to all your other earthing wires of the arresters.

          * Again, I'd check the legalities of doing it yourself - it may affect (nullify) your insurance if your house is damaged or blows up, cause we all know they look for any reason on not paying out. Maybe find a newsgroup or forum for aussie sparkies and ask there about legalities, or which govt dept can help answer it.


            Originally posted by Kpin View Post
            Best of luck, but please don't become one of those how cross feed FA MLAT to FR24. There are quite a few feeders that take FA MLAT resolutions and turn them in to FR24 ADS-B lookalikes
            Ha, no, definitely not, and if you will go back to the original thread on this forum about the new MLAT stuff you will find it referencing a post I wrote about this exact thing...
            T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


              Originally posted by Ressy View Post
              In a private house, it should be directly below the switch board, as for modifying it, assuming it is legal for non sparkie/telco_tech to touch it, all you can do is clamp to it, a decent electronics store (by decent I don't mean DSE/Jaycar) should be able to supply the correct copper clamp, so its not really modifying in a way that would upset landlords
              Ahhh yeah, that's true, forgot about that!

              Originally posted by Ressy View Post
              Maybe approach the Redcliffe aero club to host one?
              I have thought about this but the problem is that they are almost at sea level, with some 15mtrs in height blocking them from me, so ultimately I need someone on the higher ground around the kippa-ring area... Still thinking about it, and might end up doing it via FB requests in the various watch/garage sale groups...

              Originally posted by Ressy View Post
              So, if its other side of house, I think I'd only be concerned with protecting it near the switch, which I assume is close to where you'll install your common terminal (only run one earthing wire/clamp to the powered earth) - use a communications earth terminal to connect it to all your other earthing wires of the arresters.
              Ahh, no, where the antenna comes down is right near the switch box, so that's not a problem, I have a couple of switches and PoE injectors etc etc all there (under the eave in the patio), and then the uplink runs around the outside of the house to the other end and into my office, all the arresters will be near the switchbox, hopefully just to guard against a surge getting into my servers and gear inside the house...

              Originally posted by Ressy View Post
              * Again, I'd check the legalities of doing it yourself - it may affect (nullify) your insurance if your house is damaged or blows up, cause we all know they look for any reason on not paying out. Maybe find a newsgroup or forum for aussie sparkies and ask there about legalities, or which govt dept can help answer it.
              For the sake of the insurance and the $100 or so it would cost I will more than likely have a local sparkie come out and provide the clamps and attach them. Rather be safe than sorry...
              T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


                Originally posted by bhaal View Post
                I have thought about this but the problem is that they are almost at sea level, with some 15mtrs in height blocking them from me
                Maybe so, but remember the advantages of all that clear open space, and, being coastal, the horizon to west over D'Aguilar ranges would be lower, therefor greater range.

                Sitting over at Bongaree near jetty with a laptop and dongles 10cm antenna ar ground level plus 3feet I get ground level at YBBN, I also get much lower coverage *and* about 4 times further west then I do at YCAB with this whopping great thing in the air.

                Originally posted by bhaal View Post
                For the sake of the insurance and the $100 or so it would cost I will more than likely have a local sparkie come out and provide the clamps and attach them. Rather be safe than sorry...
                You probably cant go wrong, but yeah, if disaster ever did occur, and you can show a qualified sparkie did the connections, they cant get out of it

                In telecomms we are able to access building earth and do it directly (except from within switchboard itself) so that exemption to us is granted I think because there is an extensive session on this stuff we have to know and pass, correct methods, equipment, resistances, procedures, separations, and connections for normal groundings, surge protection, and for noise reduction earthing (TRC), and as with other sections you gotta pass it all, its 100% required pass rate now days, so if you screw up or cut corners, you get told to fix it, and if you cant. you fail the entire course no mater how good you are at all other modules, fair enough I suppose because the chances of loss of life and/or property is very high when dealing with this stuff, and its usually not your own life you put at risk.


                  Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                  Maybe so, but remember the advantages of all that clear open space, and, being coastal, the horizon to west over D'Aguilar ranges would be lower, therefor greater range.
                  I do understand and get that but I need somewhere which can see down to about 500ft over my house

                  Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                  then I do at YCAB with this whopping great thing in the air.
                  Do you feed to FA as well?

                  Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                  You probably cant go wrong, but yeah, if disaster ever did occur, and you can show a qualified sparkie did the connections, they cant get out of it
                  That's the main thing.. My house is family owned so I have been able to put stuff on the roof without any fuss, but if lightning should take it out and the insurance find fault with it and don't cover it, I'd be very out of pocket (and home)..

                  Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                  In telecomms we are able to access building earth and do it directly (except from within switchboard itself) so that exemption to us is granted I think because there is an extensive session on this stuff we have to know and pass, correct methods, equipment, resistances, procedures, separations, and connections for normal groundings, surge protection, and for noise reduction earthing (TRC), and as with other sections you gotta pass it all, its 100% required pass rate now days, so if you screw up or cut corners, you get told to fix it, and if you cant. you fail the entire course no mater how good you are at all other modules, fair enough I suppose because the chances of loss of life and/or property is very high when dealing with this stuff, and its usually not your own life you put at risk.
                  Yeah, WH&S has come a long way.. Making sure everyone has their bases covered, coz Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying it out (for the equip, not lives lost).. Do you have a rigging license as well?
                  T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


                    Originally posted by bhaal View Post
                    I do understand and get that but I need somewhere which can see down to about 500ft over my house
                    I'm pretty sure YRED would sh%t that in, we see 300 ft Bribie from here and we have some 50 foot trees nearby in that direction, from memory you said you can see YRED down to 100 feet? So it would have no problem seeing your area at about that, or lower - if you can get on top of a hangar

                    Originally posted by bhaal View Post
                    Do you feed to FA as well?
                    Nope thats the one we dont because of software build problems, haven't looked at it in a few months so maybe they've sorted it, I dunno, I might again try one day when I get bored.

                    Originally posted by bhaal View Post
                    Yeah, WH&S has come a long way.. Making sure everyone has their bases covered, coz Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying it out (for the equip, not lives lost).. Do you have a rigging license as well?
                    ohh gawd yes, everytime we did an activity, from memory about half a dozen or so per module we had to do JSA's, like their Env Prot codes, we probably ended up at end of teh course knowing more about WHS and Env Prot Act then the jokers who enforce it

                    and, no, I don't hold a riggers.. that reminds me, they do similar courses where I did my telco stuff, one of them is pole rescue, thankfully they used a weighted dummy to simulate a real person, coz every student had to lower from top this limp body, and the amount of times that poor dummy was smashed into the poll coming down, haha I kept thinking if that was me I'd tell em to #### off and i'd wait for fire rescue


                      Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                      I'm pretty sure YRED would sh%t that in, we see 300 ft Bribie from here and we have some 50 foot trees nearby in that direction, from memory you said you can see YRED down to 100 feet? So it would have no problem seeing your area at about that, or lower - if you can get on top of a hangar
                      Ahhh that's true I guess... Now I feel a touch silly

                      Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                      Nope thats the one we dont because of software build problems, haven't looked at it in a few months so maybe they've sorted it, I dunno, I might again try one day when I get bored.
                      Are you running on a Pi? If so what Linux dist? I should be able to help get you going with it. Let me know what is going wrong. I just compiled my own dump1090-mutability to make sure I had the absolute latest when having issues with mlat back feeding to fr24 again when changing settings, but I worked it all out, though it likely means I cannot help with fr24 mlat... But that's life..

                      Originally posted by Ressy View Post
                      ohh gawd yes, everytime we did an activity, from memory about half a dozen or so per module we had to do JSA's, like their Env Prot codes, we probably ended up at end of teh course knowing more about WHS and Env Prot Act then the jokers who enforce it

                      and, no, I don't hold a riggers.. that reminds me, they do similar courses where I did my telco stuff, one of them is pole rescue, thankfully they used a weighted dummy to simulate a real person, coz every student had to lower from top this limp body, and the amount of times that poor dummy was smashed into the poll coming down, haha I kept thinking if that was me I'd tell em to #### off and i'd wait for fire rescue
                      That doesn't surprise me at all, knowing more than the enforces, they generally only learn once, and then learn new rules, but often forget the old rules, which is a bit sad considering this might stop them seeing something dangerously dodgy etc... As for being stuck up a pole.. Lets hope you are conscious otherwise you may well end up being a pole dummy
                      T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


                        I see the Heavy lifters and Coulsons are getting their legs stretched

                        Quite a bit of activity with them in the air
                        Last edited by Oblivian; 2015-12-31, 05:14.
                        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                          It appears YSBK22 has been AWOL since the 14th and I haven't realised it. Haven't worked out yet was caused the feed to fail considering its been rock solid previously. My parallel FA feed didn't suffer so it wasn't something dump1090 related, just a failure of the FR24 feeder.

                          Back feeding again after a service restart.

                          Would have been nice to know it had failed ......(ala FA's auto email.....)


                            May have done its auto-update or suffered the 7amUTC failure others have seen recently.
                            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                              Originally posted by rodeo View Post
                              It appears YSBK22 has been AWOL since the 14th and I haven't realised it. Haven't worked out yet was caused the feed to fail considering its been rock solid previously. My parallel FA feed didn't suffer so it wasn't something dump1090 related, just a failure of the FR24 feeder.

                              Back feeding again after a service restart.

                              Would have been nice to know it had failed ......(ala FA's auto email.....)
                              Yeah, FR24 have a new version, you need to upgrade, I am pretty sure it's FR24 saying "upgrade" by making the fr24feed client shutdown every morning at 7am... After a couple of days of it happening here I did an update and all has been fine since..
                              T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia


                                Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
                                May have done its auto-update or suffered the 7amUTC failure others have seen recently.
                                I think it was 7am local, because that's the time mine shutdown every morning...
                                T-YBBN50 - Kallangur, QLD, Australia

