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Feed versions below 1.0.30 unsupported

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    Feed versions below 1.0.30 unsupported

    Since not announced officially, and going by a number of feeders software who stopped working this month and asked here for help. Only for it to work after a forced update.

    It is presumed we can take this error seen as the reason if you have auto update disabled you may face your feeders stopping.

    Be warned.

    Disconnected (FR24 Feeder versions earlier than 1.0.30-0 are no longer supported! Please upgrade your feeding software
    Last edited by Oblivian; 2023-12-13, 05:30.
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers

    Sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install fr24feed

    sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.44-0_armhf.deb

    Sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
    Last edited by Oblivian; 2024-01-21, 03:47.
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


      Hi guys,

      I'm brand new to this and know nothing about Linux. I thought that by downloading the Pi24 image from the FR24 website that it would just be a case of plug n play, but it's very much not.

      My clean installation installs version 1.0.28 which is obviously older than 1.0.30.

      I SSH'd onto my Pi and ran sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade fr24feed and now my Pi is apparently running 1.0.44 but I don't know a way of verifying if it is actually working or not because the screen i have plugged into the Pi shows no details at all, but when i web on to it, the web interface tells a different story.

      I thought this would be a fun little project, and now i'm completely lost.

      I've attached screenshots to aid anyone who can help.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by Angry Yorkshireman; 2023-12-15, 21:03.


        Numbers in 'aircraft uploaded' is more than 0. It's fine
        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


          After switching to linux client fr24feed_1.0.44 data connection is not working towards FR. At the same time I see all aircrafts locally and my local VirtualRadar sw using fr24 client as a base station is working fine. In the logs:
          2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]xxxxx@
          2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]connecting
          2023-12-18 05:26:48 | 23-12-19 10:44:44.187 [I][receiver_ac_sender.cpp:36] Network thread connecting to for feed XXXX
          2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]connected via UDP (fd 26)
          2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]working
          2023-12-18 05:27:49 | 23-12-19 10:45:45.261 [I][crxstats_sender.cpp:84] [stats]sent 16 bytes
          2023-12-18 05:28:19 | [feed][n]syncing stream async: 1
          2023-12-18 05:28:20 | [feed][n]syncing stream result: 1

          What can be the issue?​


            Originally posted by djpeter View Post
            After switching to linux client fr24feed_1.0.44 data connection is not working towards FR. At the same time I see all aircrafts locally and my local VirtualRadar sw using fr24 client as a base station is working fine. In the logs:
            2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]xxxxx@
            2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]connecting
            2023-12-18 05:26:48 | 23-12-19 10:44:44.187 [I][receiver_ac_sender.cpp:36] Network thread connecting to for feed XXXX
            2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]connected via UDP (fd 26)
            2023-12-18 05:26:48 | [feed][n]working
            2023-12-18 05:27:49 | 23-12-19 10:45:45.261 [I][crxstats_sender.cpp:84] [stats]sent 16 bytes
            2023-12-18 05:28:19 | [feed][n]syncing stream async: 1
            2023-12-18 05:28:20 | [feed][n]syncing stream result: 1

            What can be the issue?​
            Ok, the reason was very simple - empty BIOS battery and thus wrong HW time. After changing the battery and adjusting BIOS settings all is working fine now.


              Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
              Sudo apt-get updated
              sudo apt-get install fr24feed

              sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.44-0_armhf.deb

              Sudo systemctl restart fr24feed

              My FR24feeder is working OK after I have done your instruction.

              Thx a lot.

              Merry X-mas

              I am Harry and I am very new here in this forum.


                I was surprised when I looked at 'my sharing data' this morning to see my feed offline - the [Ubuntu on Intel running the fr24feed_1.0.xx_amd64.deb] running but unable to connect. I had been running this configuration since bringing up feeder in August of last year without any issue. This thread did help me, but I had to do some more digging -
                To update the feed software for an Intel/AMD-based machine, the wget needs to change to
                I am not a power Linux user, and I wasn't entirely sure what to do, but running the wget to get the correct package, followed by the dpkg -i to install gave me prompt asking what I wanted to do with old version. I was asked about what to do with the .ini config file, and I made the wrong choice - so after stop - restart the fr24feed service it still wasn't working. After getting the configuration file fr24feed.ini back to the old contents, and restarting the feed service and my radar is back online.
                Last edited by RichH1; 2024-01-11, 19:59.


                  Originally posted by RichH1 View Post
                  dpkg -i to install gave me prompt asking what I wanted to do with old version. I was asked about what to do with the .ini config file, and I made the wrong choice - so after stop - restart the fr24feed service it still wasn't working. After getting the configuration file fr24feed.ini back to the old contents, and restarting the feed service and my radar is back online.
                  In case you made a wrong choice and fr24feed.ini was replaced, then running following command, and when prompted, entering your email and fr24 key will restore the file fr24feed.ini

                  sudo fr24feed --signup



                    Had precisely the same problem with our pi setup (based on buster)( installed a couple of months ago running with no problems, but recently stopped working - got the same error message for version no longer supported - auto-updates were in but still on old version. however downloaded latest image (bookworm based) and entering the exact same ssid/password in the wpa supplicant.conf fille but IP address assignment did not work for some reason - had tried and re-edited numerous times even tried on different router/network - all to no avail - software appears to set up but no ip address is assigned and pi does not connect to the network even though the credentials are correct . Eventually got the set-up running again by reinstalling the old image based on buster -and editing the fr24feed.ini file via ssh then running the above upgrade etc.
                    Any work-arounds to get the latest version to install?


                      Post #2

                      But the new ver is now at this url
                      Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers

