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Card corruption

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    Card corruption

    Every time (nearly) I power down my pi, the card gets corrupted and needs an entire redo...
    any ideas what could be causing this ?
    Other than keeping a backup of the card, what can I do ?
    I presume I need to format and reinstall the feeder image ?
    Or would a different os with the feeder installed be more hardy ?


    Is it corrupting, or just not saving settings once you set it up as you would expect (read only mode so not restarting as expected)

    You shouldn't just pull the power. As caching and file writes will be interupted. Should always try use a sudo shutdown -h now
    or sudo halt
    Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


      I always use "sudo shutdown now" then wait for green LED to stop blinking and turn off completely (takes about 30 to 40 seconds after shutdown command). The blinking of green LED indicates that write process to save settings is in progress.

      By doing shutdown and disconnecting powe by above method, my install never got corrupted. I am using all 3 images: Pi24 image, Piaware SD card image, and Raspbian image.
      Last edited by abcd567; 2020-11-19, 01:33.


        The ext4 filesystem used by Raspbian doesn't care about power loss, it should not get corrupted.
        I think the real issue with the Raspberry Pi is unstable voltage resulting in malfunctioning sd-card controllers.

        Have you experienced the issue with more sd-cards than the current one, it could be defective or even the whole batch if you bought multiple could have issues.
        Try a different sd-card .. preferably a new one is your best bet.
        Other than that i'd recommend getting an Raspberry Pi official power supply.


          I don't get chance to issue commands !
          all my network gear is on one power supply, and if I'm not home the folks do the typical I T fix, turn it off and on again lol
          Everything else comes back up, but the can see the green led blinking and then steady...the pi does not register on the network so it's stuck on boot.
          I have another pi in the drawer .. I'll see if that makes any difference later.
          Thanks guys


            In that case you should check if there could be an IP that's changing?


              Well if the folks do the IT fix of turning it off and back on again then I doubt any number of Pi's or indeed SD Cards would resolve the problem!

              Could you not write a script or batch file they run on a computer or device to attempt a safe or controlled shutdown before physically pulling the plug?

              I have my Pi's running PoE from a switch powered from a UPS and always use sudo shutdown -h now and have never suffered card failure.

              Not much help if you have no alternative but to power-cycle without performing a clean/safe shutdown although if the Pi has locked up hard then chances are it won't be writing to the card anyway.

              Good luck!



                Appears to be a hardware issue... The original pi simply would not boot, but the same card in another pi ran up straight away, the power supply isn't the issue so not sure what else causes this, but as it's the same card - this time without reinstalling anything ,it's obvious my original suspicion was wrong.
                its all fun and games


                  Glad to know your system is up and running now.
                  During last 5 years, my 3 Pis have ended up in the trash can (Pi 1B+, CHIPS, and OrangePiPC).
                  Last edited by abcd567; 2020-11-21, 01:29.


                    Are you no longer feeding then abcd ?


                      Originally posted by Rooster View Post
                      Are you no longer feeding then abcd ?

                      I am still feeding. T-CYYZ-9, T-CCYZ52, T-CYYZ100
                      I purchased a new replacement Pi whenever one failed.

                      Last edited by abcd567; 2020-11-22, 06:27.


              's happened again, the green light flashes on the pi, then stays on.
                        pi is not visible on my network.
                        Is there a way to start afresh without configuration again ?
                        If not, can I keep a backup of a config file maybe ?



                          Have you used a different sd-card already?

                          I'd suggest using this as it allows more flexibility in what to install as an interface and so on:
                          But if it's only for feeding and you don't use the webinterface of the pi .... might not be useful.

                          I suppose if you only do fr24feed just overwiting /etc/fr24feed.ini with a backed up version should work.


                            OK, new card... went through a new installation, which is a pain ! (lat long etc)
                            Would have thought that fr24 would recognise my ip address, and fill it all in !

                            Now, as I wrote the image to the card, my pc no longer recognises it as storage... so how do I get the file as suggested by wiedehopf back off the card please ?


                              Originally posted by Rooster View Post
                              Now, as I wrote the image to the card, my pc no longer recognises it as storage... so how do I get the file as suggested by wiedehopf back off the card please ?

                              Boot RPi with new microSD card, SSH, and give following command

                              Note: Use a wired network connection if you have not configured WiFi yet

                              cat /etc/fr24feed.ini
                              The above command will output contents of the file /etc/fr24feed.ini
                              Copy-paste the contents to Notepad and save it on your PC.

                              USING THE SAVED BACKUP

                              Next time if you write the image again, give following command to open the file /etc/fr24feed.ini
                              sudo nano /etc/fr24feed.ini
                              Delete all the contents of this file by repeatedly pressing Ctrl+K keys.

                              When the file becomes empty, copy-paste the contents of the backup from Notepad in your PC.

                              Save file (Ctrl+O) and close (Ctrl+x).

                              Restart fr24feed
                              sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
                              After few minutes check status
                              Last edited by abcd567; 2020-12-09, 19:39.

