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RPi installation failed folder misnamed

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  • RPi installation failed folder misnamed

    My fresh installation of today failed.
    FR24feed was not successful upon installing dump1090-mutability.
    FR24 took 100% CPU and finally crashed.
    I noticed that the script created a folder erroneously named dump1090-mutabiltiy (with a swap of two letters at the end of mutability.

    I am a bit surprised that such an error is possible.
    Can it be that the script has a mistake an it was not found yet?

    nevertheless I corrected the spelling of the folder, ran
    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    to correct the stalled dpkg installation and restarted the FR24 service.
    Now it works.


    Last edited by RIN67630; 2019-12-09, 00:33.

  • #2
    (1) What is your install, Pi24 image or Raspbian image with fr24feed installed by bash script?

    (2) Did you install dump1090-mutability yourself, or it was installed by fr24feed as you chose setting receiver=dvbt?


    • #3
      Here is the dump1090-mutability install script. I dont see anywhere any spelling error.

      pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /usr/lib/fr24/
      # Stop on first error
      set -e
      exec > >(tee -a $LOGFILE)
      exec 2>&1
      if grep -q "^receiver.*dvbt" /etc/fr24feed.ini && [ ! -e /usr/lib/fr24/dump1090 ] ; then
      echo "dump1090 is not found, downloading dump1090-mutability..."
      # to skip any questions from APT
      export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
      echo 'dump1090-mutability dump1090-mutability/auto-start boolean false' | debconf-set-selections -v
      apt-get update -y
      DUMP1090_IF_PRESENT=`apt-cache search --names-only '^dump1090-mutability.*' | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1`
      apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install librtlsdr0 libusb-1.0-0 dirmngr lighttpd wget $DUMP1090_IF_PRESENT -y
      if [ "$DUMP1090_IF_PRESENT" == "" ]; then
      # Download and install dump1090-mutability if not present in repository
      wget -O /tmp/dump1090-mutability_1.14_armhf.deb
      dpkg -i /tmp/dump1090-mutability_1.14_armhf.deb
      rm -f /tmp/dump1090-mutability_1.14_armhf.deb
      ln -s /usr/bin/dump1090-mutability /usr/lib/fr24/dump1090
      lighty-enable-mod dump1090 || true
      service lighttpd force-reload || true
      systemctl enable lighttpd || true
      systemctl start lighttpd || true
      echo "dump1090-mutability is installed. You can always override it in /etc/fr24feed.ini with any other supported driver."
      echo "Web server (aircraft map) at http://YOUR_DEVICE_IP/dump1090 is enabled by default."


      • #4
        If you see the dump1090 install script, it does NOT create any folder.

        1. It downloads the .deb package from github using wget command

        2. It issues installation command "dpkg -i" to install the downloaded .deb package.

        All needed folders are created by the downloaded .deb package when "dpkg -i" command is run.


        • #5
          Originally posted by abcd567 View Post
          (1) What is your install, Pi24 image or Raspbian image with fr24feed installed by bash script?

          (2) Did you install dump1090-mutability yourself, or it was installed by fr24feed as you chose setting receiver=dvbt?
          I used a fresh installed Raspbian Buster image with fr24feed installed by your bash script.
          dump1090-mutability was installed by fr24feed as I have chosen setting receiver=dvbt

          Anyhow it works now, thanks: I just wanted to mention the strange thing that happened to me for the case you get another complain.


          • #6

            Originally posted by RIN67630 View Post
            Anyhow it works now, thanks: I just wanted to mention the strange thing that happened to me for the case you get another complain.
            Thanks for bringing the issue to the notice of the community. Will help others to solve it if it happens with them.

            Originally posted by RIN67630 View Post
            I used a fresh installed Raspbian Buster image with fr24feed installed by your bash script.
            dump1090-mutability was installed by fr24feed as I have chosen setting receiver=dvbt
            It is not my bash script. It is FR24's bash script .
            I am not part of FR24 team, I am just a community member like you.

