You got the wrong binary for your architecture.
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Windows Setup/Feed Migration (virtualVM) Assistance
Sems linux binary "fr24feed" is missing.or corrupted, or mismatching with you machines architecture.
(1) the tarball "fr24feed_1.0.24-5_amd64.tgz" did not get downloaded
(2) the tarball downloaded, but extrsction of binary "fr24feed" failed
(3) the linux binary "fr24feed" did not get copied to folder /usr/bin/
Please post output of following cimmands to reveal what is missing
Check binary
Code:ls /usr/share/fr24 ls /usr/bin/fr24feed
Check architecture of you machine/os
Code:dpkg --print-architecture dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
Last edited by abcd567; 2020-08-15, 07:23.
I guess the mismatch break the code.
Now I am not at all familiar with the difference between amd64 and i386
is that to be corrected on the linux build or in the way to install it fr24feed?
Code:pi@FlightHost:~$ dpkg --print-architecture i386 pi@FlightHost:~$ ls /usr/share/fr24 fr24feed_1.0.24-5_amd64.tgz fr24feed_amd64 pi@FlightHost:~$ ls /usr/bin/fr24feed /usr/bin/fr24feed pi@FlightHost:~$
2.1.2. CPU Support
Both AMD64 and Intel 64 processors are supported.
They clearly got me on the wrong foot
Starting from scratch ;-)Last edited by Oldertarl; 2020-08-15, 10:01.
Remove amd64 package and binary
Code:sudo rm /usr/share/fr24/fr24feed_1.0.24-5_amd64.tgz sudo rm -rf /usr/share/fr24/fr24feed_amd64 sudo rm /usr/bin/fr24feed
Download, extract, and copy to folder /usr/bin/ the i386 binary
Code:sudo wget -O /usr/share/fr24/fr24feed_1.0.25-3_i386.tgz "" sudo tar xvzf /usr/share/fr24/fr24feed_1.0.25-3_i386.tgz -C /usr/share/fr24 sudo cp /usr/share/fr24/fr24feed_i386/fr24feed /usr/bin/
Code:sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
.Last edited by abcd567; 2020-08-15, 11:20.
Was away for the weekend, but was able to install the correct linux version for the listed scripts
Also installed the fr24feed and dump1090-fa, including graphs1090 with all options I hade before
I am a very happy man as we speak!
Almost coming to my last topic on my list for this first feeder, getting the antenna to the best possible position, as 50nM is just poor knowing where I live (north of Luxembourg)
Thanks a million for the assistance !
When looking at graphs1090 the range is not showing any data
Browsing the forums I found that the location is required in dump1090
When adding the location in DECODER_OPTIONS="--max-range 360 --lat 50.0 --lon 6.0" , removing the --fix
The service restarts without issues and shows the range data in the graphs
Is there a special reason this is set to --fix rather than adding the lat and lon that I am missing in oversight?
Originally posted by Oldertarl View PostIs there a special reason this is set to --fix rather than adding the lat and lon that I am missing in oversight?
The parameter --fix has nothing to do with the location of receiver. It does error correction on some messages which have been damaged by noise in transit, which would otherwise be discarded. The downside of this is that it increases the chances that badly damaged messages could be wrongly “corrected”, producing bad data.
Usually these bad messages are then filtered out by subsequent processing (this is where the “single tracks” statistic comes from).
- Likes 1
I have problem to install fr24feed on Linux in VM on windows 7. as show on step 2 of this guide:
I enter this code:
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b
but I got this error:
"debian/rules build sub process returned exit status 2"
as show on picture:
what can I do to solve this error?
Last edited by arash; 2020-10-30, 09:17.
No need to build dump1090-mutability from siurce code as given in the guide. Now it is available in repository. Installed by following command:
Code:sudo apt install dump1090-mutability sudo usermod -a -G plugdev dump1090 sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability
To set your latitude, longitude give following command. Accept all other default settings by pressing Enter key.
When asked address to bind, remove default value "" to make it blank, then press Enter key.
Code:sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability
.Last edited by abcd567; 2020-10-30, 12:03.
Originally posted by abcd567 View Postarash
No need to build dump1090-mutability from siurce code as given in the guide. Now it is available in repository. Installed by following command:
Code:sudo apt install dump1090-mutability sudo usermod -a -G plugdev dump1090 sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability
To set your latitude, longitude give following command. Accept all other default settings by pressing Enter key.
When asked address to bind, remove default value "" to make it blank, then press Enter key.
Code:sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability
I entered all commands as you wrote, but I can't get feed status. also where I must enter my radar code?
You have not installed fr24feed, or is broken install.
First purge it.
Code:sudo dpkg --purge fr24feed
Now make a fresh install
Code:wget sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.25-3_amd64.deb
CASE (a): If you have a sharing key:
Code:sudo nano /etc/fr24feed.ini
Code:bs=yes raw=yes mlat="yes" mlat-without-gps="yes"
Code:receiver="beast-tcp" host="" fr24key="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Restart fr24feed
Code:sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
CASE (b): If you do NOT have a sharing key:
signup using following command and provide your details such as email, latitude, longitude etc
Code:sudo fr24feed --signup sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
Last edited by abcd567; 2020-10-30, 21:35.
Originally posted by abcd567 View Postarash:
You have not installed fr24feed, or is broken install.
First purge it.
Code:sudo dpkg --purge fr24feed
Now make a fresh install
sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.25-3_amd64.deb
4.jpgLast edited by arash; 2020-10-31, 07:39.