So far so good.
I have successfully managed how to deal with wifi:
I booted with the live ISO I have got so far, went to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
There was a file named: mySSIDname, which I copied to the Cubic (custom ISO creator), in the same path: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
Now it's working good, even when I turn off my router for 10min, it reconnect ownself.
I just had some problems with the splash screen where I had to choose from "Try it now" or "Install", but after half a day it went gone forever!
So for now I need to add TeamViewer and that would be all.
Thank you for now, but if I would encounter some problem will write.
Will post info when ThinClient would be under the attic, without any needs of my attention.
I have successfully managed how to deal with wifi:
I booted with the live ISO I have got so far, went to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
There was a file named: mySSIDname, which I copied to the Cubic (custom ISO creator), in the same path: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
Now it's working good, even when I turn off my router for 10min, it reconnect ownself.
I just had some problems with the splash screen where I had to choose from "Try it now" or "Install", but after half a day it went gone forever!
So for now I need to add TeamViewer and that would be all.
Thank you for now, but if I would encounter some problem will write.
Will post info when ThinClient would be under the attic, without any needs of my attention.