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Feed options for depreciated windows feeder

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    Feed options for depreciated windows feeder

    The following are tested alternatives for feeding if your receiver was a windows based setup

    These instructions are not for the feint of heart. They are complex. They do involve some learning
    Some SBS Receivers are still NOT supported
    Raspberry PI + DVB Stick + PI24 although come with a cost. May be easier for some users

    Please request any assistance with issues following this guide here:
    I was consider a linux install, then using Wine to run my other components. However seeing as how you raised the VM option I fired that up. Worked until I tried the "sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.18-5_i386.deb" when an error was generated that this was not a standard debian file and failed to install.

    STEP (1) - Install Oracle VM on Windows Computer.
    Download page:
    Download & Install:
    1. Windows Installer
    2. Extension Pack (for USB 2.0 & 3.0 compatibility)

    STEP (2) - In the Oracle VM, install Linux "Debian Stretch with Raspberry Pi Desktop"
    Download page:

    Instructions to configure Raspberrypi Desktop on OracleVM:
    Our articles usually show you how to do things on a Raspberry Pi. This time, we’re changing things up: we’re going to show you how...

    STEP (3) - To be able to give commands from Windows to Raspberrypi Desktop in VM
    You have to do two things:

    (a) In VM
    Settings >> Network, change default setting "NAT" to "Bridged".

    (b) Install PuTTY on Windows.

    STEP (4) - Attaching DVB-T to VM:
    When DVB-T is plugged into Windows Desktop, it remains available to Windows only.
    To enable Raspberrypi OS to use DVB-T, it should be attached to VM.
    Steps 1 to 7 in the two screenshots below show how to do it.

    VM USB -1.png . . VM USB -2.png

    You can check if DVB-T is attached by following command.
    If DVB-T is attached to VM, the output of this command will show it, as in example below:
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:[COLOR=#FF0000]2838 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T[/COLOR]
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 80ee:0021 VirtualBox USB Tablet
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

    STEP (5) - Installation of Flightradar24 Feeder
    (a) Install decoder dump1090 variant (for DVB-T only, not required for SBS and Beast)
    (b) Install fr24feed

    Please see next post for detailed instructions for decoder and feeder installation.
    Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-07-22, 08:36.

    Installation of fr24feed on Linux in VM on Windows Intel PC i386, i686, or x64_x86

    CAUTION: Do NOT use setting "Receiver DVB-T"
    The setting "Receiver = DVB-T" does NOT work on x64_86, i386 machines.
    Reason: The fr24feed supplied dump1090 fails to work on x64_86 and i386 machines.
    If you are using DVB-T stick, you must:
    (1) Use settings as shown in screenshot below
    (2) Install dump1090-mutability ver 1.15~dev as shown in STEP 1 below.

    FR24 settings - External dump1090 - BEAST-TCP.png

    STEP 1 - Install decoder dump1090-mutability ver 1.15~dev:
    NOTE: This decoder is required if your receiver is DVB-T stick.
    It is NOT required if you are using other receivers such as Mode S Beast or SBS.

    If your OS is Debian/Raspbian BUSTER

    sudo apt install dump1090-mutability
    sudo usermod -a -G plugdev dump1090
    sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability

    To set your latitude and longitude, give following command. Accept all other default settings by pressing Enter key.

    When asked "address to bind", remove default value "" to make it blank, then press Enter key.

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability

    If your OS is Debian/Raspbian STRETCH

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y git build-essential debhelper rtl-sdr  
    sudo apt install -y librtlsdr-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config  
    sudo apt install -y fakeroot curl cron lighttpd

    sudo git clone -b unmaintained dump1090-1.15  
    cd dump1090-1.15  
    sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b
    The last command above will take some time to complete and generate lot of output.
    Please be patient and wait for process to complete.

    cd ../
    sudo dpkg -i dump1090-mutability_1.15~dev_*.deb  
    sudo lighty-enable-mod dump1090  
    sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload
    sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules ""
    sudo reboot

    # To configure/reconfigure
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability

    STEP 2 - Install FR24 feeder:
    Find your fr24 key from windows feeder's file fr24feed.ini
    This file is located in folder "fr24feed_win32"

    VM - FR24 ini - 1.png

    Installing fr24feed Using debian package for RPi:

    SBS user should use only this option
    DVB-T users can use any one of Alternaives A or B

    # Add architecture armhf to use RPi armhf package on i386 / i686 / x86_64 PC:
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
    sudo apt update
    # Install dependencies
    sudo apt install libc6:armhf libstdc++6:armhf
    # Download fr24feed armhf.deb package and install it on i386 / x86_64 PC
    wget -O fr24feed_1.0.26-9_armhf.deb
    sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.26-9_armhf.deb
    # Signup and configure receiver
    sudo fr24feed --signup
    sudo systemctl restart fr24feed

    Installing fr24feed Using debian package for i386:

    #Check your machine's architecture by command below:
    uname -m
    # If command "uname -m" outputs "x86_64", then give following two commands
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt install libc6:i386 libudev1:i386 zlib1g:i386 libusb-1.0-0:i386 libstdc++6:i386 dirmngr  
    # If command "uname -m" does NOT output "x86_64", then give following command
    sudo apt install libc6 libudev1 zlib1g libusb-1.0-0 libstdc++6 dirmngr  
    #Download fr24feeder .deb file on Linux OS by command below:
    # Install the downloaded fr24feed  
    sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.25-3_i386.deb  
    # Signup and configure receiver
    sudo fr24feed --signup
    sudo systemctl restart fr24feed

    Installing fr24feed Using debiab package for x86_64 machines: "fr24feed_1.0.25-3_amd64.deb"

    #Check your machine's architecture by command below:
    uname -m
    # If command "uname -m" outputs "x86_64", then give following commands
    sudo apt install libc6:amd64 libstdc++6:amd64
    sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.25-3_amd64.deb  
    # Signup and configure receiver
    sudo fr24feed --signup
    sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
    Installing fr24feed Using Linux Binary "fr24feed_1.0.18-5_amd64.tgz"


    Last edited by abcd567; 2020-11-22, 01:53.


      I did everything as you instructed but get "Online - no data" at FR24 status page. Also if I close VM all installation is lost?


        Broken off to keep announcement thread just that.

        I've also added some details for sbs/beast USB to direct RPi

        Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many

        I fear giving too many options is going to bring another layer of issues and tricks to get around that won't be officially supported.

        Already seeing users now alerted to its demise with low post count attempt and create new 'help me' threads.
        Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


          Originally posted by Oblivian View Post
          I fear giving too many options is going to bring another layer of issues and tricks to get around that won't be officially supported.

          Already seeing users now alerted to its demise with low post count attempt and create new 'help me' threads.
          Unsupported options going forward will multiply. Some people will like their own flavour of Linux, some will use VM/Virtual or alike.

          I surprised no-one has thought about a clean install of x86 linux yet

          Others will just walk away or not even notice/care it is no longer working.

          The low post count users have only come out of the woodwork since FR24 has told them "What has worked for you for a long time without touching it, is going to end very soon"

          Serious thought about ending Windows Feeding v Multiple non standard installs = Causing more issues, is going to be a nightmare for FR24 moving forward.


            A user has added a couple of raw Linux install instructions. So that's an option already

            The downside to the email going out is users wanting the quickest assistance possible, (just like when the major update broke everyones installs) that often means turning to the online community rather than the official email channel

            The downside, is the support team don't seem to frequent enough to fill in the blanks and shortfalls and dodge that bullet.

            Which leaves the remainder small select group of tester/tinker users to try work around all and sundry of setups. Which although may work and be more efficient, piles quite a load on to keep on-top of things :/

            Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
            Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


              Originally posted by Asuka View Post
              I surprised no-one has thought about a clean install of x86 linux yet
              I not only thought about it, but have implemented it on my Desktop running Windows by creating a "Dual Boot" system.
              The HD has 2 partitions, one (NTFS) for Windows 8.1, other (ext4 + Linux Swap) for Ubuntu 18.04. At powerup, I can choose which OS I want to boot into.

              I have installed dump1090-mutability and fr24feed on Ubuntu exactly as shown in my Post #2 above, except of course the step "(1) Install Linux OS Raspbain in Oracle VM on Windows".

              Another option is to totally remove Windows by formating the HD and install Linux OS ONLY. I doubt any one will agree to loose Windows.

              Another option is to install Linux on USB flash Pendrive, and at boot choose to boot from Pendrive. This way no changes are made to HD or Windows.
              Last edited by abcd567; 2019-03-24, 02:15.


                My largest concern, is all these alternates. While working for you with DVBT - May not be any good for SBS users (without modesmixer etc).

                The focus (even mentioned on the feed download page) is on DVBT.

                It needed 19-5 and above to recognise the data format from memory. And the compiled versions/OSX are well before that. Windows was brought up past it as most SBS users are using windows.

                # fr24feed changelog
                All notable changes to Flightradar24 feeder software will be documented in this file.

                The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](

                # [1.0.23-8] - 2018-10-11
                ## Changed
                - Larger and configurable timeout for HTTP/HTTPS requests

                # [1.0.23-7] - 2018-09-28

                # [1.0.23-6] - 2018-09-26

                # [1.0.23-5] - 2018-09-14

                # [1.0.23-4] - 2018-09-10

                # [1.0.23-3] - 2018-09-07

                # [1.0.23-2] - 2018-09-07

                # [1.0.23-1] - 2018-09-04

                # [1.0.22-2] - 2018-08-29

                # [1.0.22-1] - 2018-08-23

                # [1.0.21-1] - 2018-08-15

                ## Removed
                - Windows builds

                # [1.0.20-1] - 2018-07-27

                ## Removed
                - OSX builds

                # [1.0.19-15] - 2018-02-06

                ## Changed
                - do not use jQuery on the web interface :8754 [all platforms]

                ## [1.0.19-13] - 2018-02-01

                ## [1.0.19-12] - 2018-01-31
                ### Changed
                - use dark theme for web interface on port :8754 to better fit in display on boot [all platforms]

                ## [1.0.19-11] - 2018-01-29

                ### Added
                - OS version reporting for statistics purposes [all platforms]

                ## [1.0.19-8] - 2018-01-25

                ## [1.0.19-6] - 2018-01-23

                ## [1.0.19-5] - 2018-01-19

                ### Fixed
                - fixed a bug leading to no decoded callsigns in DF17 frames [all platforms]
                - SBS-3 messages were lost during decoding, resolved now [all platforms]
                - when specifying domain instead of IP for network data source, IP was resolved in the wrong byte order, fixed [all platforms]
                - fixed ARM64 SIGILL failures [debian ARM64]
                - fixed incorrect autoupdate detection in logs [debian ARM]
                Last edited by Oblivian; 2019-03-24, 02:31.
                Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers


                  My recommendation:

                  "The best option when Windows feeder is discontinued is to migrate to Raspberry Pi"
                  I have reached above conclusion after:
                  (1) Using two Raspberry Pi stations running continously since 2015 (4 years experience)
                  (2) During last one year, have successfully experimented with following arrangements on my Windows Desktop (Intel Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @3.00Ghz, RAM 8.00 GB, 64-bit Operating System, x64-based Processor)
                  • Windows 8.1, with "fr24feed_win32_1.0.19-15"
                  • Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) installed on PC's Hard Drive (Windows/Ubuntu Dual Boot), with "fr24feed_1.0.18-5_i386.deb"
                  • Linux (Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9.5 & Raspbian x86) in Oracle VM on Windows, with "fr24feed_1.0.18-5_i386.deb"
                  • Boot from USB Flash Pendrive on which Linux (Raspbian x86, Linux Lite, BionicDog, StretchDog) was installed, with "fr24feed_1.0.18-5_i386.deb"

                  Cost Comparison: Windows Desktop vs Raspberry Pi

                  Windows Desktop Raspberry Pi
                  Power Consumption 100W 5W
                  Power/Year 24 x 365 x 100W
                  = 876,000 Whr
                  = 876 kWhr
                  24 x 365 x 5W
                  = 43,800 Whr
                  = 43.8 kWhr
                  Cost/kWhr $0.10 $0.10
                  Total Cost /Yr 876 kWhr x $0.10
                  = $87.60
                  43.8 kWhr x $0.10
                  = $4.38
                  Electric Bill savings / Yr = $87.60 - $4.38 = $83.22

                  Cost of Raspberry Pi 3 B+, microSD card, Plastic Case, and Power Supply 5V 3A = $65

                  Cost recovered in less than one year due to savings in Electricity bill.

                  Last edited by abcd567; 2019-03-24, 07:38.


                    For us non-Linux gurus, can you give a step by step to configure and use a SBS receiver, via network?
                    Currently I run Basestation and PlanePlotter on a PC. I'd like the RPi to either get data direct from the SBS or via Basestation.


                      Originally posted by vk6xlr View Post
                      For us non-Linux gurus, can you give a step by step to configure and use a SBS receiver, via network?
                      Currently I run Basestation and PlanePlotter on a PC. I'd like the RPi to either get data direct from the SBS or via Basestation.
                      Feel free to post/discuss suggestions here ( This guide is not to be taken as officially sourced support information. It is contributor-made Information has been repeated many
                      Posts not to be taken as official support representation - Just a helpful uploader who tinkers




                          Can you please explain for noobs. If I use VM from your instruction, how to - after initial setup, if anything is working correctly - step by step

                          1) Minimize VM with running software so it's not in the way of daily activity
                          2) Exit/switch it off and not loose all installation (as I did choosing Exit VM).
                          3) Start it again (and probably with some shortcut not through starting Oracle than starting VM from it) with autoboot and feeding.
                          4) Make it autostart with Windows OS.

                          Thanks in advance.


                            Originally posted by wiedehopf

                            Just run a separate dump1090, not the builtin one.....

                            Also you are talking x86-64 version of the fr24feed client right?
                            On x64_x86 machines, the fr24feed is installed by package fr24feed_1.0.18-5_i386.deb.
                            This package does NOT install dump1090 (any version).
                            That is the reason in my Post #2 of this thread, I have added installation of dump1090-mutability ver1.15~dev for DVB-T users.
                            Last edited by abcd567; 2019-03-25, 00:32.


                              Installing fr24feed Using Linux Binary "fr24feed_1.0.18-5_amd64.tgz"

                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo wget
                              2018-11-05 11:42:39 (4.70 MB/s) - ‘fr24feed_1.0.18-5_amd64.tgz’ saved [301153/301153]
                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo tar -xzf fr24feed_1.0.18-5_amd64.tgz
                              abcd@debian:~$ cd fr24feed_amd64
                              abcd@debian:~/fr24feed_amd64$ ls
                              [COLOR="#00AA00"][B]fr24feed[/B][/COLOR]  LICENSE.fr24feed  version.txt
                              abcd@debian:~/fr24feed_amd64$ sudo ./fr24feed --signup
                              Saving settings to /etc/fr24feed.ini...OK
                              Settings saved, please run "sudo service fr24feed restart" to use new configuration.
                              abcd@debian:~/fr24feed_amd64$ sudo systemctl restart fr24feed
                              [COLOR="#FF0000"]Failed to restart fr24feed.service: Unit fr24feed.service not found.[/COLOR]


                              (1) Copied executeable binary "fr24feed" to folder /usr/bin
                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo cp ~/fr24feed_amd64/fr24feed /usr/bin/
                              (2) Added system user fr24 to run the binary through fr24feed.service
                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo useradd --system fr24
                              (3) Created new blank file fr24feed.service
                              abcd@debian:~$  sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/fr24feed.service
                              (4) Copy-pasted following code in the new blank file fr24feed.service.
                              Description=Flightradar24 Decoder & Feeder
                              (5) Saved file (Ctrl+o) and Closed it (Ctrl+x)

                              (6) Enabled fr24feed.service by following command
                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo systemctl enable fr24feed
                              Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/fr24feed.service.
                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo reboot
                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo systemctl status fr24feed
                              [COLOR="#00AA00"]●[/COLOR] fr24feed.service - Flightradar24 Decoder & Feeder
                                 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fr24feed.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
                                 Active: [COLOR="#00AA00"][B]active (running)[/B][/COLOR] since Mon 2018-11-05 13:41:26 EST; 13s ago
                               Main PID: 27794 (fr24feed)
                                  Tasks: 9 (limit: 4915)
                                 CGroup: /system.slice/fr24feed.service
                                         └─27794 /usr/bin/fr24feed
                              Nov 05 13:41:26 debian systemd[1]: Started Flightradar24 Decoder & Feeder.


                              If your Receiver is DVB-T, then you will also need to install any one of the following two Decoders:

                              dump1090-mutability (Click Here for detailed steps)


                              dump1090-fa (Click Here for detailed steps)

                              I already had dump1090-fa installed on my Desktop / Debian 9.5 (stretch), amd64, so I straightaway attempted to install fr24feed.


                              abcd@debian:~$ sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa
                              ● dump1090-fa.service - dump1090 ADS-B receiver (FlightAware customization)
                                 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dump1090-fa.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
                                 Active: active (running) since Mon 2018-11-05 13:04:30 EST; 6min ago
                                   Docs: [url][/url]
                               Main PID: 352 (dump1090-fa)
                                  Tasks: 3 (limit: 4915)
                                 CGroup: /system.slice/dump1090-fa.service
                                         └─352 /usr/bin/dump1090-fa --device-index 0 --gain -10 --lat 43.xxxx --lon -79.xxxx --ppm 0 --net-bo-po
                              Nov 05 13:04:30 debian systemd[1]: Started dump1090 ADS-B receiver (FlightAware customization).
                              Nov 05 13:04:30 debian dump1090-fa[352]: Mon Nov  5 13:04:30 2018 EST  dump1090-fa 3.6.3 starting up.
                              Nov 05 13:04:30 debian dump1090-fa[352]: rtlsdr: using device #0: Generic RTL2832U (Realtek, RTL2832UFA, SN 000000
                              Nov 05 13:04:30 debian dump1090-fa[352]: Detached kernel driver
                              Nov 05 13:04:31 debian dump1090-fa[352]: Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
                              Nov 05 13:04:32 debian dump1090-fa[352]: rtlsdr: enabling tuner AGC

