I just noticed FlightAware have released a new 1090MHz Bandpass filter with a smaller passband (here), so I wondered if I need one as I already have one of the original filters.
A bit of searching and of course abcd567 has already highlighted the exact steps needed to work it out...
These are a couple of sections from my result (with the original filter in place), so given how much brighter 925-960MHz is than 1090MHz it looks like I'd benefit from the smaller frequency range of the new filter.
Thanks, abcd567.
A bit of searching and of course abcd567 has already highlighted the exact steps needed to work it out...
These are a couple of sections from my result (with the original filter in place), so given how much brighter 925-960MHz is than 1090MHz it looks like I'd benefit from the smaller frequency range of the new filter.
Thanks, abcd567.