Supplemental to information found at
(spurred from user finding stick information not so forthcomming)
If you do not chose to purchase a marketed 'ADSB stick' or USB TV Tuner via the suggested link there are specific requirements to be made aware of before purchasing generic sticks online
USB specifications
Must include (or be certain stick contains):
Realtek/RTL2832 chip
Rafael 820T/820T2 or E4000 (historic) tuners
Adverts that specify 'Fitpower', 'FC0012' or 'FC0013' are NOT suitable for ADSB
Refer table:
Likewise if FR24feed/Dump1090 show: Found Fitipower FC0012 tuner - You will not feed.
Standard or premium 'TV Sticks' that do not mention SDR(software defined radio), or the above key components specifically may not be suitable
USB RPi power Draw
TV Sticks often need external power booster to USB to keep some sticks 'alive' (USB power down) causing un-explainable errors. Likewise some extension USB cables can do this - an external 2-3Amp power supply is highly recommended before posting of issues.
IF you have a stick, and wish to check it's health. Or confirm the chipset types, there are a number of methods depending on OS/computer availability
NOTE: Feeding ADSB / FR24 is not USB task specific - It is only one of many other hobbiest projects the sticks are capable of
(spurred from user finding stick information not so forthcomming)
If you do not chose to purchase a marketed 'ADSB stick' or USB TV Tuner via the suggested link there are specific requirements to be made aware of before purchasing generic sticks online
USB specifications
Must include (or be certain stick contains):
Realtek/RTL2832 chip
Rafael 820T/820T2 or E4000 (historic) tuners
Adverts that specify 'Fitpower', 'FC0012' or 'FC0013' are NOT suitable for ADSB
Refer table:
Likewise if FR24feed/Dump1090 show: Found Fitipower FC0012 tuner - You will not feed.
Standard or premium 'TV Sticks' that do not mention SDR(software defined radio), or the above key components specifically may not be suitable
USB RPi power Draw
TV Sticks often need external power booster to USB to keep some sticks 'alive' (USB power down) causing un-explainable errors. Likewise some extension USB cables can do this - an external 2-3Amp power supply is highly recommended before posting of issues.
IF you have a stick, and wish to check it's health. Or confirm the chipset types, there are a number of methods depending on OS/computer availability
NOTE: Feeding ADSB / FR24 is not USB task specific - It is only one of many other hobbiest projects the sticks are capable of