hello, we have been trying to add our aircraft for a few days. We bought it in subscription, but we still can't see it in the system. We also wrote under the related topic in the form, but there was no development. Could you add the aircraft, the information of which I have given below, to your system?
ModeS/Hex-code – 4BB654
Registration - TC-MRT
ICAO Type code – C182
Type – CESSNA, T182 Turbo Skylane
MSN - T18209044
Airline / Owner - GDH Flight School (It has been added to the system before, but its operator is not visible. Can you add GDH Flight school as an operator?)
ModeS/Hex-code – 4B9C8A
Registration - TC-GDJ
ICAO Type code - C172
Type - C172P
MSN - 17275595
Airline / Owner - GDH Flight School