This forum is used as support forum for Flightradar24. This means that users can get support and help here. Many questions have already been asked and answered many times before, so in order to keep the forum clean, and make it easier for everyone to find correct information, you need search the forum before you ask a question. This can be done in the search box in the upper right corner of the page.

To make it easier to find answers we have also created a!-post that contains links to the most commonly asked questions on the forum. This!-post is available in the confirmation when you register on the forum, from "Read this first" links at the top of the forum, in the menu of the forum and it's also sent by e-mail to all new users.

When you register you get a link to the!-post

On the forum there is a button in the menu and at the top of the forum there is a link to the!-post

Every new regsitered user also get an email with the information that he/she should read the!-post

Users who ignore this post, and post questions that are already answered, will have their posts removed.

If you got you post removed, the link to the answer to your question can be found here:!