I have been watching around 6 planes this morning over Cardiff laying down Chemtrails I have been watching them for a long time and have photo's showing what happens on the days they spray.
The sky is now covered in the usual milky white whispy cover that has spread from these trails no blue sky can be seen again!.
My question is, would these planes show up on this site?
I have looked but cannot see any planes listed or showing over this area ?
Or could some one tell me how you can find out where these planes have originated from they have been criss crossing all morning and started in the dark before it got light.
Regards Mike .
The sky is now covered in the usual milky white whispy cover that has spread from these trails no blue sky can be seen again!.
My question is, would these planes show up on this site?
I have looked but cannot see any planes listed or showing over this area ?
Or could some one tell me how you can find out where these planes have originated from they have been criss crossing all morning and started in the dark before it got light.
Regards Mike .